Spring Satin Harvest

Mine are so close it’s hard to tell. Seemed in line with most others, not late. I did notice that Toka is later here, as others have reported, so is Vermont. One might need that one for Toka! But it was only a week. Plenty of bloom overlap here unlike other areas.

Here it’s rarely an issue, so I’m not sure? We start out later.here. All my plums are the size of large beans right now. I have thinned a little, it’s about time to thin here.

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@warmwxrules @Drew51 Mine is on Myro, but is also planted in a spot where I used to have my veggie garden, so the soil is probably quite rich there. It puts more than 6’ of growth every year.

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@RichardRoundTree My SS is one of my very first fruit trees of any kind to bloom. In fact, it is second only to a Pluot called Dragon Tears that I got via a nursery mistake and is a commercial variety owned and grown exclusively in CA by Kingsburg Orchards. That crazy thing blooms in late January or February! But my point is that SS is very very early here, which is why it so often gets frost damage.

@Ahmad my SS are also quite Vigorous. Grows fast and generally is a healthy tree. So, @Drew51, you may be right that you just have a bad location for yours. I was also interested that you said your Toka is a late bloomer. My Toka is my latest blooming plums. But somehow, someway, it sets a HUGE crop every year, so there must be enough overlap with something else I have to make it work. I know you - and most others- seem to really enjoy Toka but I just am not a big fan of the flavor. Its purely a personal preference, but I just don’t love it. I DO taste bubblegum…I just don’t like bubblegum in my plums I guess! haha


Thank you! @thecityman That was the news i needed to hear even though its not good news! Me and drew are polar opposite zone 5s and we get early blooming here so while this sounds amazing i do not think its a good colorado fit sadly. Even american plums are iffy here its just the frost resistance is decent enough to get light fruit set many years.

According to Natures Hill (Toka)

self-fertile, so it doesn’t require another tree to set fruit. If this is the only tree you have room for, you won’t be disappointed,

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Thanks Bill! That explains a lot. My toka is so late that I’m not sure anything else is still in bloom so I had wondered how I managed to get so many fruit on it. Now I know! Just my luck that the one plum I’m not really crazy about the taste of is the plum that always sets the most fruit! ha But again, that’s just my personal taste-most people really enjoy it it seems

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I feel that way about Satsuma. I tried to like it. I had it 3 years now, and well, it is pretty much top worked over. I still get a few.

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I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels that way about Satsuma. I just didn’t find the flavor that special. It’s a shame, it’s very disease resistant. I only keep it because of that.

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Maybe we’ve talked about this…but have you tried Black Ice and how would it compare to Satsuma? both are dark fleshed…any other dark flesh you can say you like? I’d love to add another couple of types but not sure how ones like Mariposa/Elephant Heart would handle my winters…Satsuma does great…very hardy.

Seems like all the hardy hybrid plums are all more white/yellow/orangeish fleshed…

Yes Dapple Dandy, Flavor King, and Honey Punch which has red streaks in golden flesh. Can be quite red. I have Hollywood too, but have not tasted fruit yet. Oh and Nadia which is tart, but I like it. I probably have others. I did add a graft of Elephant Heart, and (don’t tell anybody:) Flavor Heart and Flavor Gem.

Let’s not forget Spring Satin, one of my favorites! I guess early from what others said. Here it’s hard to judge as everything is compressed. Here all blooms overlap, like on this tree with pluots, nectarines and peaches. All are blooming.

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I had DD but wasn’t a huge fan…it did set a lot of fruit. I also had Flavor King but my grafts have slowly died over the years and now i don’t think i have it anymore. Never tried Honey Punch. I do have some seedling pluots that i have growing out. A couple bloomed this year but set no fruit…not sure what is up with that. I will probably graft them over to my other trees. I plan on grafting SS over to another tree or 2. One thing i’ve learned is to spread grafts around in case a tree decides to die and you don’t lose everything.

@Ahmad @Drew51 when does SpringSatin ripen for you? I see many harvest posts here in May. I wonder if this is an early ripening variety

Last year was my first crop of 1 fruit, it ripened July 5. I typically run 3-4 weeks later than Stan (Tracy) and Jon Harrison (Sacramento).


In July here in Michigan. Not sure exactly when as my dog ate that page in my journal!
I have Spring Satin harvested …that’s it, the rest was eaten! :slight_smile:
He also took every tag off on my plants. Boy that was fun! He stopped now (8 months old).So I retagged what I could.


Here is a thought I have on the fuzz free Spring Satin. Sometimes hybrid plum strains produce a lot of sports, shoots which present a slight genetic mutation from the parent. Santa Rosa plum has a reputation for doing, hence things like weeping. My suspicion is that a trait like velvet skin is the sort of thing that could be eliminated through a slight mutation of a single gene.

… or mitochondria.