Stan’s harvest diary 2021

Ripe apricots are just a few days away. Hopefully, birds and critters will leave me some.


Beautiful fruits Stan!


Looking good!

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Have been eating first Nicole apricots yesterday and today. We’re having strong winds and some fruits fell down a bit underripe but most are already very good.


Thanks for the report Stan!


Nicole and Orangered apricots, Spring Satin plumcots, and a breba fig (Black Jack). Are Spring Satin plumcots typically that small or I have not thinned enough?


Mine has not had chance to bear fruits for two year due to rabbit damage. But the ones I bought in the store were in a big Mirabelle size

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The ones I buy from an orchard and the few I got from my tree were the size of medium sized apricots. How do you like them? They should be picked soft for good sweetness.


I guess I should have thinned them much earlier. Yes, when the fruit is picked soft the flavor is very good.

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I find Tomcot a bit too acidic for fresh eating. It will make some very good jam.


Any fruits from your apricot seedlings yet?

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Later in the season. Most of them ripen in June.


Stan, I thought the same thing. And also some kind of tannin dry mouth effect. I suspected it would go away if left longer on the tree so I am ready this year with organza bags. Mine aren’t ripe yet in San Diego.

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Tomcot drops when ripe, so watch for it. Still not high enough brix for me. Great for jam though.

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That definitely confirms I am picking them too early, I haven’t yet had that happen. Last year we had a Coopers hawk in the yard so the fruit go left alone by the birds for the first time but this year he is gone. Now we are like the aviary section of the zoo. Organza bags have been essential.


Greatly appreciate the variety comparisons Stan. Thank you!

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Alisa Apricot (W07) — one of the best apricots that came out of a batch of Anya seedlings. Large fruit (about 50% larger than its parent Anya) with exceptional flavor. Wish it was a better producer — this year there are about 25 fruits on a big tree.


They look fabulous!

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A lot of early ripening breba figs this year. I do not care much for them fresh but they make a fabulous, caramel-flavored jam. Have to add a few lemons for acidity.


Did Turkey Apricot produce for you or not yet? I am interested in feedback about this variety.