Stark Bros 18.16 sale for Earth Day

The trees may be more basic but I thought that pricing looked pretty good. $18.16 for select varieties and shipping was roughly a base of $7 with a dollar more per tree. I’m going to try a couple Euro pears (Seckel and Moonglow as they said they were fireblight resistant) and a Montmorcy cherry tree. Hope this helps!


You should read the threads on here about Moonglow.

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Moonglow is from 1960 and is an obsolete pear given Potomac (daughter of Moonglow) is available (same or better resistance and much better taste, easier to tell when to pick); Moonglow is notoriously hard to pick correctly when mature, can have a bitter aftertaste. its chief attribute is it is a “good pollenizer” but causes a lot of headaches

You can always graft over it for $25 - that is a good deal for a larger euro pear


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Wow, thanks for these details! I’ve been trying to use the Oklahoma State extension guide for recommended varieties as the climate and conditions are harsher than I expected. Potomac wasn’t mentioned but Moonglow was on the list. Really surprised that Stark’s nursery doesn’t have Potomac as a variety!

I thought the price with the one year warranty was a good choice—but you are right if it passes maybe it will be my opportunity to learn about grafting.

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Notoriously hard to ripen as well. I grafted over the moonglow trees I had.