Going to guess here but probably Lovell?
That was my guess. I’m going build a good sized mound to make sure there are no drainage issues anyway.
I think that Stark uses Redleaf seedling for dwarf and Lovell for standard.
Nice link! That’s an interesting back story, which I hadn’t run into on the website before. Thanks for sharing, Gsims!
By the way, ILParadiseFarm, I was just on the Stark website and their Emperor Francis Cherries are on sale–$17.99, from $29.99. It’s not $5-10, but it’s something, and with cherries I haven’t seen much better. Feel free to chime in if anyone does!
Got the requisite email from Stark Bro’s today - $9.99 sale on some selected fruit trees. Selection isn’t great but there might be something you’ve been wanting to try out.
Since IowaJer brought this thread back to life with info about the new sale, I read through it. I wonder if that Kindercrisp apple isn’t just a re-branded Pixie Crunch. Description is similar, as is the photo of the fruit. Thoughts?
I almost asked for Kindercrisp as a replacement for my dead Pristine but they offered Scarlett Crush and I couldn’t turn that down.
Looks like the sale hasn’t started yet this year.
They’ve had some $9,00 offerings with flat $9.00 shipping in the last week.
Yesterday I had two apples delivered - one Jonafree & one Enterprise. I thought what the heck, a couple disease resistant varieties that pollinate in the same window, and while not perfect timing to plant (we’re headed into the bake-oven) with a little TLC they can be established prior to winter and if they fail Stark Bro’s will replace them no problem.
Then the bride knocked some sense into my head, with the requisite “You have 15 apple trees - we don’t NEED any more apples”! (in a VERY sweet tone I might add…)
So…, I reluctantly sent an email out to a Nephew who quickly took 'em off my hands.
Anyway, I was very pleased with the size, shape, and roots. Not so much their professional free pruning though…
But a $10 bare root tree is worth a try.
I have been watching their sale; as Dan mentioned, there are some for $9 and $10, and the prices have been lowering gradually over the last couple of weeks. I remember it was mid June last year (June 16 I think) when the $4.99 trees were spotted. So the prices are good now, and they are probably going to get a little better over the next week or two. We shall see!
How about this: I have a friend that wants to plant some peach trees, so I ordered him an Intrepid & an Elberta (My Son-In-Law planted an Elberta and it’s made peaches the last two years - he has a tendency to neglect things too, so I figured why not get one for this guy - if it grows for my SIL, it’ll probably flourish at my friends place…)
So when I placed my order they showed an expected arrival date of the 8th. So I get on the site yesterday and see it’s pushed back to the 14th. This begins to appear like deja vu all over again (as Yogi Berra would say) Last time they started pushing an order back I called and was told it was out of stock and they were sourcing it, etc. Yet the item was still shown in stock and you could place one in your cart and check out.
Well I called and asked the gal why they pushed my order back, that I’d only recently ordered a couple apple trees and some Rhubarb and they shipped out next day.
She pulled up the order and said the Intrepid was in stock and the other was on back order until spring and that was what was holding up the order. She said “Let’s see what we can use as a substitute…, you had a Standard Elberta…” And I’m like “Yeah and I’d be okay with a Dwarf for that matter” and she goes “Great we have it in Dwarf and I’ll adjust the price to the $9.99 and change it on your order and they’ll ship out soon”
But the Standard had been on sale for $9.99 while the Dwarf was and is still $26.99.
I’m happy.
Edit: I just checked my order and she’s placed a Dwarf Elberta Supreme in there for the $9.99. That Supreme version is $32.99 before any price adjustment!
Of course, if we wait to long, they may run out of what we want!
I just ordered the green and purple asparagus and a spring satin nectacot. Its not hardy to my zone, but I have all the cross pollinator’s for it and hey, for 13 bucks for a dwarf supreme might as well take a shot. . .
Sounds great! [quote=“Klondike_Mike, post:216, topic:5834”]
Of course, if we wait to long, they may run out of what we want!
Good point! Hope they don’t run out before my next order!
Are there any other mail order places that have a year end sale?
Just ordered a couple of spring satin plumcots. With shipping, $27.93 for two trees. Hard to beat that price.
I ordered a Spring Satin as well, just one though.
I ordered Spring Satin and Twocot. Although, Twocot is relatively new, can’t find many reviews, but it is a white cot that I am willing to try
I got my Spring Satin, it looks very nice. It’s listed as a “dwarf premium” but does anyone have a guess as to the actual rootstock? I try to keep a list for future reference and I have no clue.