Starking Delicious plum, small report

Hi guys.
I have looked in the forum search engine, and there are some members who have this variety of plum, but there is no open post, specific for this variety, and I consider that it is good enough variety of plum to dedicate a post to it and we can share comments and experiences about this variety.
It is very interesting to me to see the difference in the behavior of this variety between your country and mine.

The presentation

  • Starking Delicious Plum

We will start with a curious fact, since Starking Delicious is not its real name, is its comercial trademark.
Its real name is “Johnson”, but it was introduced by the Stark Bro’s nursery of Louisiana under the trade name of Starking Delicious, and it seems that it has the exclusivity of this variety of plum.

I’m trying to find out the origin of the Johnson plum, but I can’t find any references to it, so if any of you can provide some information, it will be very well received.

I’m going to comment a bit on my experience with this variety:

  • It is a tremendously productive variety, so it is recommended in years of heavy fruit load, to carry out a good thinning to obtain good sizes
  • The entry into production grafted on mirabolan is medium-slow, entering production around the 7th year
  • The size is quite homogeneous, obtaining fruits of the order of 100 to 120 grams
  • It has a very beautiful oval shape clearly differentiated into two lobes
    -The external color is dark red in the most insolated part and may have a small shade of green in the less insolated part
  • Perfectly noticeable lenticels
  • It is of the clingstone plum type
  • The flesh of a bright red color
  • Very high brix degrees, but it has a certain acidity, which gives it interesting flavors, I highlight some notes of strawberry and red fruit flavor

Let’s see it in images of my harvest :

The plums in the tree

One of the harvest boxes

Date of harvest

Weight of the plums

Interior aspect


First and second measurement

I hope this little report is to liking of all your , and in this post you share your experiences with this variety



I have a graft with 3 Starking Delicious hanging on right now, but not quite ripe yet. Last year was the first year sampling one, but I let it get overripe and too soft. It had a sweet, mild flavor but I didn’t like the texture due to it being overipe. I’ll try to guess the date better this year, maybe in a week. I did like the color of the flesh, deep red.


Are you looking for scion?

Mrs. Gibson, your last message is not very clear.
You requesting cuttings of this variety for grafting?
You live in France , so If you need scions for grafting this variety , you can send me a private message.


Yep, ztom. I absolutely agree with you.
You see how interesting it is to share information.
The same thing has happened to me with this variety of plum some year .
It has “that little flaw.”
So it is interesting to harvest this variety of plum with a fairly firm touch, otherwise the flesh tends to become a bit soft.
But of course, if it is harvested ahead of time to avoid this problem, this plum does not reach its maximum expression of sweetness and flavor.
You have to have good judgment as to when to harvest this variety at its optimum point.



I am not looking for scion, I thought you might be looking.

Not mrsg47.
I had 3 adult trees of the Starking Delicious variety ( the photos of the repor, are of mi trees and my harvest) , and now I have 2, this is a very productive variety and with 1 or 2 trees the harvest is immense.
The third tree I have re-grafted from the new Italian variety “Pink Saturn 5”, which is a true plum wonder.
This variety:

  • Pink Saturn 5

Best regards

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Had a Starking Delicious drop today. You can see inside a bit of bug damage, but it didn’t extend very far or reach the pit. This is about the largest plum for my conditions, over 90 grams. Soft and melting, not mushy this time. Some people probably would really like this texture, I like plums a little firmer. Very juicy. Good flavor, but brix only 13. My Redhaven peaches have only been 11-13 this year as well, last year they were 15-16. Must not be as good conditions this year.


I grafted this one to a Nectarine and about the second year,there was a fair amount of fruit.They were good but not great.
The last two Springs though,it seems like Blossom Blight kills the flowers,even when spraying Captan,so maybe there is something else affecting them.