**take a look at the discoloration on these. Any diagnosis? Prune back 6 or 12"?
I’d be worried -if I’m right I think you should prune deep and hard. I think it’s fireblight.
I agree that its bad. They’ve been struggling to establish and their prune marks were blackened. I thought the pressure would be way down, but maybe latent infection?
I don’t know - and if I were you I’d wait for opinions other than mine!
Pseudomonas maybe?
Fireblight entered through an open cut on those pears. Lost about a dozen from starks just like that a couple years ago. Fireblight has been devastating this year. @k8tpayaso and i got hit very hard this year. She got hit hard first and i got hit hard about a month later. It’s seldom this bad its a once in every 10 year fireblight problem here. Amputate asap all infected parts.
I had fireblight on new whips like this. Ultimately they died. I removed the quince which was the source.
Well, I pruned back affected stem, apparently not enough as the blight continued. I drenched stem in alcohol, pruned another 16", and sterilised everything in between, even the cut. I tossed infected material into pond. Im convinced its fb. Thanks everyone