Stone fruit disease - identification needed

I’m very concerned because I found some wild cherries that look heavily diseased close to my orchard. I’m not sure what disease this is

Look like very bad bacterial canker to me.

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That’s about as bad as it gets for me because it’s within 10 feet of my carmine Jewell’s. I found it on wild prunus besseyi. I’m going to spray with copper and destroy all the wild cherries and plums I find close by.

Sorry Clark that is no good at all.
I have had difficulty decerning canker from borer damage on cherry trees. You might disect a branch to be sure it is not borer damage. Good luck.

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borers? See any frass? See any holes? What cherry tree pests are in your area—wherever that is?

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I’m taking a part a branch tommorow. There is so much goo on there right now even though I did not see holes does not mean they are not there. We’ve never had borers in this area but there is always a first time.

Based on it being cherry the odds are extremely high of being canker. One of my young cherries got a really bad canker this summer, not quite as bad as that but it was pretty ugly. I scraped off all the bark down to good wood and it stopped showing any signs but one part has only 1/2" of good bark - it may not make it.

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This is a dissection of the branch and I see no borer activity.