Storage apples

The pics of it were outstanding. I look forward to it.

I have a few Crimson Crisp apples left in my fridge, stored in a plastic bag. They are outstanding storage apples!


I’ve got enough Goldrush in garage fridge to take me well into May at one or 2 a day. Even then, pretty high quality. 2 gal plastic hefty bags with 4 thumb holes poked in each bag.


I don’t put holes in my plastic bags. They have hold up well like that into April/May.


Yates are smaller apples, correct?


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Applecrab describes Yates pretty well. Will they store over winter though? They end up ate long before here. The girls kill them. Then Terry Winter gets ate and we save Shockley for last.

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I was eating some Yates this last August, they were a bit past their prime but still very tasty. So yes, they store through winter, into spring, and then into summer. The peak though is Feb-Mar or thereabouts.

The flesh has no similarity to crabapples so I don’t put it in the applecrab group, and also I don’t think it has any crab in the parentage which is my vague impression of what the term “applecrab” is reserved for. To me it’s in the “lunchbox apple” group, small apples for kid’s lunchboxes since they are easy for kids to eat. Even this big kid prefers to eat the smaller apples, I get tired of bending my jaw out of shape to eat modern monster apples.


Lol…February is about as long as Yates survives at our house. I will be glad to get our own trees fruiting here. Perhaps starting this year as a pair are on P.2. August! Wow. I thought 4 or 5 months tops.

I use “Applecrab/Lunch pail” apple interchangeably.

Arkansas Black forever!


Here’s Ruby Rush on top and Sweet 16. I got a peck of Ruby Rush at a fruit stand in early November. The Sweet 16 was grown by me and put in a dedicated refrigerator on 9/29. I pulled out the last bag of them Saturday. They were getting very soft but still tasted well. However, not as good as the ones I ate in early December.

The Ruby Rush went in November 11. They are all still firm and crisp. I had to use a sharp knife to slice them. Flavor has mellowed out to resemble SweeTango. After eating a lot of Winesaps and Staymans lately, they are a nice change in flavor. I don’t have any GoldRush in storage to compare to, but RR definitely inherited the long storage trait at least under my conditions. 32 to 34 degrees in Ziploc bags with an ethylene packet in each bag of 5 to 6 apples.

The Winesaps and Staymans wiil easily go into April for me. I pulled out some Jonathans 2 weeks ago and they were too soft so the birds got to enjoy them.


@jerryrva Any tips on when to pick Sweet 16? I can’t seem to find the sweet spot.

I agree they are tough to pick at the right time especially this year as it was hotter and drier than usual. No green under color and when a twist of about a quarter turn would release them was about right for me. Any that fell off by themselves were too ripe to be any good. I don’t like underripe apples, so I tend to let them stay longer but once any start dropping, they need daily picking from then on. I am pushing the range for them too far South here in the Virginia coastal region so what works for me probably wouldn’t be a general rule on Sweet 16.


Very helpful.

Ewalt, originated near my home in Bedford Pa before 1800. 4 months in fridge still crisp, with a good flavor.


One of the recently found apples I want to try. Elkhorn too. Sary Sinap, Remagald and Butter…something…lol

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I wonder if you might elaborate a little more on the qualities of Ruby Rush? Im thinking about ordering some trees from Adams County Nursery.
Im a big fan of Gold Rush and have many trees of that. Im not a fan of RR other parent, Enterprise, as the overly thick skin is a downer.
Ive got Cosmic Crisp, a cross of Enterprise, and to me the skin is noticeable.
What do you think?

I just finished our last Goldrush. I picked them over a long window, probably all before fully ripe, but the last ones in January. They were still crisp and my daughter likes them better than most apples we can buy.

I also found a bag of what are probably Freyberg. Most of them had flaws and I pitched. The cleanest we ate. It was very sweet and texture was okay. My wife said it tasted like Golden Delicious.


How is the Freyberg apple, other than not lasting this long.

I really like it. Its rich, very sweet, and unique flavor on top of a good Golden Delicious. Some years the anise flavor is pronounced. It gets more pest insects than does Goldrush.