We got down to 19 here, it was supposed to be 23 so I was not planning on doing anything. But when I saw it was 19 when I woke up I went out and warmed things up with the blowtorch. Maybe I will save a few more blossoms with that. Tomorrow its supposed to be 18, if thats all it does I will be happy but if it goes much colder I will be losing more stuff. I’ll probably be out with the blowtorch again. As it is it looks like about half my apricots are goners, and a third of the plums, based on the charts that is.
Some good news is Hoyt Montrose is definitely behind on the bloom and it should be OK. Also Zard is way behind. It is tender but I think its still early enough in development that it will be OK. Hesse and Tomcot are way ahead and they are already toast.