Strange weather - Will it get our blooms and fruit?

It seems temp drops by the minute. Earlier today, it forecasted low of 8 F on Fri and Sat. This evening, it said 8 F on Fri and 6 F on Sat.

I have asked my better half to look for light bulbs and extension cords. Hopefully I could try to save a couple of my multi grafted trees.


I just can’t stand this!

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Can I move to France with you? :smile:


Yes, lets get there before the weather changes!


The lowest temperature expected for us in the next 8 days is 29 degrees.


I’m not far behind you at all. Nothing’s bloomed yet here, but I see some J. plums very close. Probably bloom by tomorrow. So much potential spring frosts left. It was 25F here this morning.

The aprium sprouts I started forcing inside a couple of weeks ago are blooming now, too

It’s 21F right now here, I have a little bud swelling, not much, some have none even with the warmer weather. So far I’m in good shape. It could change of course.Looks fairly normal here on out.

This is a picture of my plum taken this morning, what stage is this called? We are forecasting 17 F tonight and 13 F tomorrow night, can these buds survive? :cry:

8F this morning…a little off with the forecast being 13F … Temps dropped hard when we went calm…

Still don’t see enough heat around here in the next 2 weeks to get anything to wake up.

I am surprised your peaches are blooming. I am quite a bit south of you, I checked my peach tree this morning and the buds are closed but have a pink tip on them. It is supposed to be warm this weekend do they will probably bloom next week

Sara, I am right across the bridge from you and my peach trees are at the same exact stage. I am not sure what will happen but it has to be better chances than if they were flowering.

All depends on how advanced they are.

I must have a bad micro climate, things seem to be a few days earlier here than most people in the area.

@warmwxrules, thanks for the links! Looks like my plums are at green cluster stage, 90% kill at 30 min at 16 F. And we are going to reach 12 F tomorrow night, guess my plums are toast😫

@ConwayOrchard, keep our fingers crossed.

I doubt everything will get zapped… Although there is a month or 2 that the rest could get wiped out.

I think little tree tents are needed. Have weights on them so the wind doesn’t blow them away (anchors?). Then have a small heat source in each one (light bulb of some sort)… Dwarf trees!

So after a week inside with the flu I went out to check the trees, and the only one that looks to be in peril is, as usual, the Flavor Delight

Most of the rest are still looking nicely dormant

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My husband sprayed copper & oil on the peaches 2/26. Not sure if that will help (copper) or hurt (oil). Our trees were just planted last spring so no huge loss if no fruit but I had hoped to leave a few peaches on each tree just to taste. . .
Here’s the Sentry and Redhaven today. We’re in the Shenandoah Valley of VA zone 6 b.

Something like this Rob?

Heres a pic of the lights on the inside, btw these 2 peach trees died back to the trunk 2 years ago, they sure are fast growing treesI keep the top open at all times so heat doesn’t build up to much, and clamp it up and turn the light on for cold nights
Heres a pic of, I hope, some viable flower buds

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That would do it…as long as the wind isn’t screaming about 40 knots.

Time to cash in…Looks like about $500 to me… Slap a fancy label on it!

Just went cloudy here…an inch of pure fluff in the forecast tonite as warm air works back in. Now they are saying thick stratus (suicide) clouds on Sunday with our “warm” up…great.