Strange weather - Will it get our blooms and fruit?

You are all welcome to come! Plenty of extra room. Not sure you want me to share this, but we had a high of 88 here today. It is a very lovely 74 degrees at 4:00 pm. I feel a Margarita coming on this evening, out on the patio, looking at my pretty trees all in blossom. I paid my dues for 10 years in zone 5b. SO glad to be back home!

Patty S.


We have those winds now too. Lost power at work today and went home 11:30. Picked up a bunch of branches to drive down the driveway and a 12" dia tree fell against our power lines. I lost power than it came back on, lights flickering. It moved the wires about six foot. I can’t believe we still have power! The shingles blew off of the neighbors shed he just built too. Hold on to your hats out east. It’s coming your way!

I had a close look today at my trees and it looks like my nectaplum, scarlet prince, and Orangered all survived last week’s trip down to 18 degrees. Now another mirror image of last weekend is supposed to hit again and I’m hoping they get through it. My plums look all toast with the exception of the euros which haven’t even swelled.

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Tues looks horrible. Cold January type high pressure parked right over the area…

It’s not looking good for Nashville. Tomorrow we will have a high of 75 and by Saturday we will have a low of 24. Everything is either in full bloom or done blooming with the exception of my European plum.

We had gust over 60 here yesterday and I heard they recorded a 84 gust just a few miles north of me at the Mackinaw bridge. Lots of tree damage with power outages and here at work shingles and trim were blown off of several buildings and part of a hanger roof also blown off !

I am at the tip of the mitt and the forecast is for daytime temps in the teens and night time temps in the single digits for pretty much the next week.

The weather looks about the same, oh well!

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I am doing some restoration work on the old boblo boat and we had to stop work because it was so windy. We couldn’t even walk down the gangway with materials. Wish I would have video taped the Detroit river, massive waves hitting the breakwall.


OK, we expecting another dip in 5-10 F for 3 nights in a row with days way bellow freezing as well. It brings in a question - do I need to bother to spray anything? I do not expect anything to survive this brutal roller coaster. Do you spray anyway?

I am considering a cover for three of my plum and pluot trees. The weather has been good to me as of now but that can change quickly. Some of my pears bloom as early as the plums but I have enough late bloomers that enough usually survive for my personal use.

I think this event is quite a bit worse than last year. We had the Dec. cold blast which heavily thinned a lot of varieties. Now the NWS is predicting 19F for Sun. morning. They just keep lowering their forecast. We have some apples in tight cluster, which will kill them. We only had a few peaches at first bloom yesterday, but there are so many peaches so near first bloom, I’m sure they will start to pop today with the high supposed to be 73F. In a “normal” year these March cold snaps would be nothing to the trees, but this year was so ridiculously early, that the trees are too far along. It only takes 21F to kill just about all the peaches at first bloom, so 19F is plenty cold to do it.

With the wind at least 20 mph tp 50 mph for the past 8-9 days, I don’t bother spraying. I was thinking about another trial of covering them with tarp but we may get snow. Snow on tarp would cause more damage to branches. Last week attempsts of covering with tarp broke several branches with wind gust up to 50 mph.

I am just riding it out, naturally :grin:


Looks like I called it right from the beginning temperatures are going to be 26, 21, 18 for the lows that are coming up. You win some you lose some but I predicted it correctly. Hope everyone else has better luck.


Lows between 14 - 19 for a week. Decided to pot the new nect, which is not dormant, and keep it on the porch with the citrus for a while.

I really want to give it a dose of copper, tho

So, I live in Richmond, VA. Temps are due to drop to the 20s for 3-5 days starting this weekend.

Should I move my container planted blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries back into the garage? All of them, or just the ones that are budding now?

I’ve put my currants and gooseberries in the ground, so no moving them. I think they’re hardy enough to not die, but I’m not sure the new buds won’t freeze. None of my fruit trees from this year and last year are budding yet, so I hope they will be ok. Frankly I’m kind of worried about the apple and cherry I planted last year, though.

Wow, that is cool! Yeah bet the St Clair river was the same way. I have experienced that wind before on the river. You have to bring the family and check out my cottage sometime. Bring your bathing suits. Our beach is private, the water is all from Lake Huron. Be warned people love it or hate it. If you love it you’ll want a place! Well unless you have a place up north. What’s nice is it isn’t far. No super long rides, across from Algonac. The last Sunday in July is our annual picnic, a good time to check it out. You’re invited.

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Are you going to test out the metal drum with burning logs to see if you can save some trees?


The same thing is coming here … 20 21 21 27 22. Also unfortunately the last few days have been warm and stuff advanced. The pome fruits are still mostly OK here but the stones are all at risk. Each cold event hammers more stuff and its going to be pound pound pound pound :grimacing:

Off to Home Depot to refill some propane tanks… I’ll try to do a bit of warming up of stuff to add a few degrees to those numbers.


We burned a lot of small fires last spring to protect against one of the freezes. It takes about two days to haul all the wood and build all the little camp fires throughout the orchard. I thought about it for Saturday, but 19F is pretty cold to try to protect against. Plus I strongly suspect there will be wind with the 19F. It’s been so windy day and night. The fires work best when the nights are still and the heat can raise the orchard a couple degrees. With wind, it just blows all the heat away.