This year I’ve put most of my gardening energy into the search for subtropical trees that will survive and fruit here in zone 9b, Los Gatos, CA. I am only 6 months into this experiment, but I have done a lot of research and acquired a lot of plants. I’m willing to risk the life of many plants in the name of discovery!
I have so much to say on this topic, but I thought I would start with a breakdown of my current thinking on what fruits have the best odds. I’ve seen other lists (like this one but they haven’t always agreed with the things I’ve learned or observed.
This list is limited to the plants which I currently have in my collection, and not including citrus, loquats, figs, and other fruits that are no-brainers here. I am ranking trees based on their hardiness when mature - it would be homicide to leave immature trees outside in winter here. The list is partially informed by how well these plants have done in my backyard this summer, but mostly by talking to people and reading old forum threads. As we all know, the toughest obstacle is winter, and only a handful of my trees have endured that yet.
I’d love to hear any dissenting opinions on my rankings!
- Avocado (Mexican strains)
- Strawberry Guava
- Feijoa
- Ugni
- Guabiju
Easy with little to no protection
- Avocado (Guatemalan strains)
- Cherimoya
- Lucuma
- Banana (fast growing dwarfs)
- Macadamia
- White Sapote
- Frederick Passionfruit
- Cherry of the Rio Grande
- Suriname Cherry
Needs protection only in very cold years
- Jaboticaba
- Green Sapote
- Imbe
- Longan
- Tropical Guavas
- Pitomba
- Pitangatuba
- Cedar Bay Cherry
- Tamarillo
- Kwai Muk
- Cinnamon Apple (Pouteria hypoglauca)
- Guabiroba (Campomanesia xanthocarpa)
Possible with serious protection and lots of luck
- Mango
- Black Sapote
- Carambola
- Canistel
- Sapodilla
- Lychee
- Wax Jambu
- Atemoya
- Grumichama
- Dragonfruit
- Ceylon Cinnamon
- Allspice
- Avocado (West Indian strains)
- Ice Cream Bean
- Achachairu
- Mexican Mangosteen
- Strawberry Tree (Muntingia calabura)
- Wampee
- Peanut Butter Fruit
- Rainforest Plum
- Mountain Papaya
Very difficult but worth trying
- Sugar Apple
- Rollinia
- Jackfruit
- Mamey
- Papaya
- Lemondrop Mangosteen
- Seashore Mangosteen