Before I give up my battle with grey mold and brown rot, I wonder if anyone has been able to keep anthracnose and botrytis at bay in strawberries by using Regalia or another biofungicide (Double Nickel?).
The data sheet on Regalia states " For best performance, tank mix this product with other registered fungicides for Anthracnose control." The label on Double Nickel states " …tank mix or rotate with a copper-based bactericide…". Has anyone mixed Regalia or Double Nickel with another fungicide/bactericide?
Even though I remove dead and dying leaves and cover the plants from Feb-July, in a wet spring, once temps warm up, I still get about 30% losses.
Consider moving them away from the ground in hanging pots.
Also, in your environment the wooden planter box could be a host for the fungi.
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I’m wondering if anyone has success with a biofungicide. A search shows several growers are using Captan. I’m looking for a non-synthetic alternative for my hundreds of plants.
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try covering your rows with plastic. make a x every 12in and plant in that. once you start to get fruit put straw around each plant to keep them off the plastic. i almost never get rot since doing it this way. before i used to use wood mulch and it was pretty bad.
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I am growing rows under cover in slitted plastic. I will try your method of placing down straw once plants start fruiting - a great tip for added protection!
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