Suggestions for what fruit to grow in garden?

Hi all!

I wanted to ask your advice on what fruit I should grow in my garden. I am planting only fruits that meet the following 4 criteria:

  1. The whole fruit can be eaten raw (ie. no big/hard seeds, no need to peel, and no need to cook)

  2. The plant produces plenty of fruit every year

  3. The fruit is delicious to eat

  4. The fruit is possible to grow in warmer climate (ie. Australia)

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

So far I have the following fruits on my list:

Mulberry, Red & Purple Grapes (I don’t like green grapes), Raspberry, Maqui Berry, White Currant (I heard it’s sweeter than red and black), Blueberry, Aronia, Yellow Cape Gooseberry, White Strawberry (I don’t care much for red strawberries).

In case you’d like to know what kind of fruits I like the flavour of, here are some favourites of mine: blueberries, red grapes, limes, mangos, nashi pears, white nectarines, firm/tangy bananas, regular and blood orange, black cherries.

Thanks in advance!

Only blueberries and grapes meet your criteria. Hence, you should only plant them. It’s not a problem: there are at least 50 different cultivars of blueberries for you to choose from and at least that many seedless grapes as well.

Well, those fruits just happen to be my top favourite flavour-wise, but I’m open to trying other fruits.

Meiwa kumquat and Fukushu kumquat.

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There are people who eat the entire feijoa.

  1. Fig
  2. Persimmon. Not seedy PVNA types.
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You should post your growing zone. I’m in Alaska so to me Canada has warmer climates.

Also you seem to have a few of requirements that may not be all that important and don’t mention a few that could be. for instance there are fruits that can be difficult or that require full blown chemical warfare in order to get them to survive pests. Knowing where you are could help sort those out.

Can’t do wrong with mulberries and knowing your zone would be helpful.

Mulberries will produce more fruit than you and your family can eat, disease free, no spraying, grows like crazy and drought tolerant (and cold hardy)

However, don’t plant it next to your house since their root system can be aggressive (so away from pipes and septic) and birds will eat the fruit and poop purple droppings on the house/car/driveway etc if they are close by. If that is a problem and can only plant next to your house, get a sweet variety that fruits white (e.g., “white ivory”)

The problem with mulberries is that while a good variety can be ok (some are bland) they have 0 shelf life.

You guys have access to Silvanberry and Youngberry. Both worth growing and alot of folks do in Australia.

No varietal recommendations—-I live in N. America.

My general recommendation based on the school of hard knocks: Make sure you start with something very reliable for your area, even if it’s boring.

You can experiment next year.

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