Ive grown rassberries for years both autumnal and summer fruiting so undersrand the difference betweem primocane etc. I planted new bare root dummerfruiting rassberries this year. For some reason the lush new growth instead of dying back ready to fruit next year is starting to flower and fruit. Its almost the end of the season and everytjing else is dying back. These stems have sprouted several inches away from the cane i planted so it definetely first season growth. Never happened b4.
You might have gotten the wrong variety maybe? Or somehow the weather gave you enough chill hours to make them fruit?
I’ve got some established raspberries still trying to fruit even though it’s too late. Another option is it’s just behind because of being newly planted.
that will happen sometimes with newly planted cane fruit. it should go back to summer bearing next year unless you got a primocane fruiting one by accident.
My experience with floricane fruiting raspberries is that they all actually will produce some primocane berries if they are given enough time. Some varieties just produce primocane flowers earlier, and those are labeled as primocane varieties. I don’t know where @paul383 is located, but here in the PNW it happens frequently that the floricane raspberries that I grow will at least flower on the primocanes before a killing frost.
So essentially… all raspberries are primocane?
I am in southern middle TN z7b…and have a long season.
I have bristol blacks and purple royalty that are late spring early summer bearing.
They have not produced flowers or fruit in the fall.
My Herritage reds produce fruit in the fall (late Aug - November) on pcanes… then over winter and produce May-June on fcanes.
Ohio treasure blacks and Joan J get confused here and either flower and fruit when they should not… or dont fruit when they should. OTB never produced a fall crop here and they are supposed to.
Could be a chill hours issue. Too far south for them.
Herritage and Purple Royalty produce when they are supposed to with no problems. Fall gold does too.
I think that many, if not all, raspberries will produce flowers on the primocanes eventually; but they would only be called primocane varieties if those flowers bloom early enough to produce a decent crop, which would be dependent on the growing location. I’m sure that some varieties labeled as floricane in cooler areas would produce a useable primocane crop in a warmer climate.