Summer Grand nectarine

I just had a “summer grand” nectarine from Masumoto farms, in a local grocery store. It was “ugly” (meaning not bright red). I was surprised. I decided anything ugly in a grocery store is worth looking into why they sell it. I told my son we had a good chance of getting some great flavor.

It was phenomenal. I can’t find much information on it. I assume it is just an earlier version of LeGrand, especially since the stone was massive, like LeGrand. It was yellow fleshed, red blush on the skin but not enough red to hide the mostly yellow appearance. It was freestone.

Does anyone grow this?

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I don’t grow it, but their website confirms your suspicion, it is a “cousin” of LeGrand.

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Summer Grand nectarine

Burchell Nursery’s commercial division offers it
‘Ripens July 25-July 1
Freestone. Fred Anderson release. Very good firmness, size and color. Standard of mid-season varieties. Tree is of medium production and low to medium vigor. Also good for drying. Chill hours +800.”

Fred Anderson is the father of the California Nectarine industry hybridising the LeGrand & Summer Grand nectarines. In 1981 Norman Bradford bought Anderson’s business & now Bradford Genetics creates some of the better nectarines on the market. Burchell Nursery seems to offer a lot of the Bradford nectarines. Sadly Burchell’s home orchard division, run by Ed Laivo as Tomorrow’s Harvest (he’s posted on this forum), is inoperable & it’s a struggle to find the Burchell exclusives & other Bradford (ex-Anderson) varieties.

Sometimes you can find them, but sadly not the Summer Grand. I’ve spoken to Andy Mariani, Ed Laivo & folks at Burchell, & they will note that fruit breeding efforts since Summer Grand came out many decades ago, has created newer nectarines that have improved upon it. One of them is Ruby Diamond…offered by Burchell. Andy’s Orchard has it as fresh fruit in stock right now 8-3-23. It’s excellent & tastes better than LeGrand…which is the ancestor in the DNA of most new California hybridising efforts.

Find the Perfect Nectarine Trees Today |, carries some Burchell varieties as does


NatureHills Nursery has more negative reviews than positive from the garden watchdog, Dave’s Garden.

People should be aware before taking a risk buying trees from Naturehill nursery. Also, a nectarine tree at about $120 plus shipping and handling, that’s a rip off.

You can buy the same nectarine variety priced at $40 before shipping at Grow Organic, a reliable nursery.