Rats… coconut oil has a melting point of 78 degrees F.
You really need some parafilm.
I got a 6 roll pack late winter from Fedco.
That is what i use… rolls… 1 inch x 30 yards.
One roll 6.50
6 rolls 29.50
Rats… coconut oil has a melting point of 78 degrees F.
You really need some parafilm.
I got a 6 roll pack late winter from Fedco.
That is what i use… rolls… 1 inch x 30 yards.
One roll 6.50
6 rolls 29.50
Thank you for the pic, no need to wrap the cut end at the top?
It’s ok for grafts. But rooting cuttings is different. You need something that will hold the wood in place tightly with a graft. Strips of Saran Wrap would work. I myself use rubber electrical tape. The parts that grow though are only covered in parafilm on a graft. The wrap is used to keep graft secure so they will heal together. It probably will get moldy when rooting as it doesn’t breathe. It probably won’t work. One could make a humidity dome with a gallon plastic bag. Mist once a day. When it roots you have to acclimate the leaves to normal humidity. Once rooted take bag off for 30 minutes and increase by 30 minutes each day. I have not done this in ages so best research technique. If you rush it the plant will die. Why we use parafilm. This is tough and probably a higher failure rate. It does work though.
No it’s wrapped or a bit of wax can be used. It opens some as the bud pushed it away. I suck at wrapping. I suck at grafting too, but done it enough to get a few takes.
Yeah, I can see why one would prefer something better than Saran wrap. Hopefully this works well enough til my parafilm arrives.
You know wrapped loosely like that it is a humidity dome. I wasn’t thinking it would be used like that, That should work. But you have to acclimate the leaves.
Not sure what promix is … but the wood chips from a local tree guy work fine. And they’re free. My Dad likes to run them thru a chipper first to get more of a fine mix of chips. But to each their own. Works either way. Have half a dozen figs growing second year now.
I had an easy time using like a sandwich plastic container with play sand only and the cuttings basically laid in the sand just pressed in some with bottom heat. All that I did like that rooted well. But most that I just stuck in a pot of dirt outside also rooted. Basically many ways work pretty well.
I prepped 8 figgle sticks last night.
They only had half-inch parafilm in stock so wrapping seemed to take a long time, but I’m not going to worry about it. I understand why the one inch was out of stock now.
I’m trying this set up, any opinion on possible problems?
We already had dip and grow and I used Kings mix for soil (very good for sprouting, well draining) plus it was brand new and super dried out from protected storage so I cannot imagine any bacteria alive in it with zero moisture.
Hopefully something will grow roots.
We are off grid, but it’s cozy in the dome where our avocado lives. Does it have to be pitch dark? The dome is under trees so the light is not intense. I do have vents open on the humidity dome for air flow.
No, rooting outside under trees is perfect. I root under light. Inside. Outside I put them in a shaded area and once rooted get them used to full sun very slowly.
Yes, the dome. When leaves form they will be in high humidity. You will have to acclimate the leaves. Since you wrapped cuttings in parafilm. Humidity is constant around the bark. no dome or humidity chamber is needed. Let the leaves grow in natural humidity. Eliminating the need to acclimate. You need to keep cuttings in high humidity unless you use parafilm or buddy tape which keeps moisture in and lets air out. It works very well. Parafilm does the same thing as a humidity dome.
Thank you! I’m glad I asked before too much time went by.
I have set them free!
I heard figs were not hard to root, but I tried to get two of each kind so that I have a back up just in case, but one of them only had one left by the time I checked out and then I was given a freebie which means I only have one of two varieties so I’m extra hopeful that they both root.
What figs do you have? I have been culling a lot of figs but I still have a lot. If you lose anything I may be able to help you out next time. I have many mature figs and usually can take a lot of cuttings. I threw away at least 50 cuttings this year. I used to give them away but I have been really busy and don’t have the time. I don’t mind filling a few requests. So if you want to try more next year just pm me about it at the end of the season.
Oh my gosh, if I ever get to stay home and be the farmer I want to be, I could help you out so that at least you get something for your cuttings.
I mean, who in the world ever dreamed of sitting in a room with no windows, under artificial light, staring at a computer all day, when they grew up!?! No one, that’s who!
The sticks I am trying to root are:
2 Adriatic JH
2 Thermalito
2 Italian 258
1 Marseilles Black VS
1 Bourjassotte Grise
I did get some young fig plants also and I hope they will do well but if not, I am sure I can find better homes for them and I have a cheap plastic dome that has kept an avocado and a bunch of citrus trees alive almost 3 yrs now, so I am hoping I can keep the young plants warmer for longer.
In young plants I have:
Black Madeira KK
White Madeira #1
Red Lebanese Bekaa Valley
Figo Preto
Bordissot Negra Rimada
My interest started when I was at our local Farmers Market, trying to buy all the flavor grenade pluots, and some ladies were walking around asking if anyone had figs and no one had any figs there and I thought that would be a good thing to offer when we have enough things for a Farmers Market.
I tried to pick varieties that other experienced people seem to find desirable since I have not gotten to try any of them myself as of yet.
This is so exciting. I saw a bud coming out on one of the Adriatic JH sticks.
Also, I noticed some stippling, for lack of a better word on one of the sticks underneath the parafilm. I’m not sure what that’s all about. It’s only one of them doing that.
Great news!
We have 7 out of 8 leafing out here.