Does anyone have any experience with this peach? @Olpea perhaps?
Apparently, trees have been selling pretty well.
Does anyone have any experience with this peach? @Olpea perhaps?
Apparently, trees have been selling pretty well.
Dr. Joe planted some Contender peach seeds and came up with ‘Sweet Joe’. Cross pollinated with Elberta Red Haven etc etc.
Cumberland Valley Nursery is growing the trees and it sounds like they will be providing seeds to those who want the trees. At the 4minute mark.
What leads you to that conclusion? What i gathered from the video is that CVN is going to be selling seeds…at some point.
The story came out this week…so i doubt anyone has any experience with them…and will likely be 4 years or so after any one of us get those seeds.
Cause I chat with others including orchard owners about what they are buying for the next year.
The video is wrong though, I only posted the link because I was sure someone else would. Cumberland is selling grafted trees of Sweet Joe.
I was asking about experience on the off chance someone had been apart of the evaluation process and had tried it first hand.
Good deal. Looking forward to getting one myself.
Also to note that their podcast is also wrong…and they even took the time to mention that the seeds would be available in their summary… like they made a point to pick that part out of the whole interview.
I have not been able to find a copy of their catalog online for download. I did notice the top three peaches on the page is licensed from Rutgers. My interest in those is because they were developed by the USDA for the southeast. I don’t understand why they’re charging royalties (Vaughn Nursery doesn’t) on trees released by the USDA ARS.
Crimson Joy (sold out) in my CVN catalog i just got.
@JustPeachy thanks for tagging me on that. I don’t have any experience with this peach. It ripens in the Redhaven window. Redhaven is a peach which is hard to beat in my area. Still, Sweet Joe sounded interesting enough, I ordered some to try.