Tart Cherries 2017

We have a large tart cherry tree in the yard, planted by the previous occupants. The tree is bursting with fruit this year. My kids and I have already picked about 3 gallons, and there’s at least another 2 gallons still to go.

Last year the harvest was much smaller, and we used the fruit to make cherry compote, which we immediately served warm over vanilla ice cream. This year, it’ll be jam and syrup for all!

I have no idea what type of cherry it is. Here are are a few pics, all taken from atop a ladder.

Earning his keep!


Very nice, congrats. Are they good for fresh eating at all, or just too tart?

We had a volunteer tart cherry seedling that put out some fruit this year, but the blasted birds got to them before they even ripened. Arrgh. How did you keep the birds away from your tree?


Those cherries look a lot like Montmorency. Nice looking tree!

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Great for fresh eating! I’ve eaten dozens.

No problem with the birds. The tree is about 18 feet tall, with a canopy that’s about as wide. There are quite a few pits hanging from the limbs, but they make up a very small percentage, less than 1 percent.

Those cherries look nice and healthy. No dreaded brown rot to be seen anywhere.

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Excellent looking crop! Wow, my tree is not quite as large, but close to it and I will definitely have to net the entire tree. It will take two people to do it and two ladders. Buy boy, those cherries are worth it! Make pie!