Tested three shear cleaning products

Upon restocking cleaner for our shears I purchased 3 different products via Amazon:

Boeshield Blade and Bit 8 fl.oz. $9.99
Rockler Pitch & Resin Remover, 16 fl.oz. $11.99
CMT Formula 2050 Blade and Bit Cleaner, 18 fl.oz. $8.96

They are all very good cleaners, removing plant resin and grime with a spray or two per directions. The Boeshield performed a little better though and the CMT required an extra application. But next time it might all turn out different – I’ll keep trying.

In the photo on the left is also a bottle of Felco spray lubricant. None of these products are aerosols.



Thanks for the review. Good to know. Curious what the solvent is. Mine need a serious cleaning.

I use the ARS cleaner from Japan to clean my ARS pruners and other equipment. The product is excellent just like their pruners. I’m not sure what chemical they use as it’s all in Japanese. It won’t restore corroded blades but will maintain your blade well. It is also a lubricant. I am an audiophile and the audio products out of Japan are miles ahead of others. The Japanese products are amazing, so when looking for pruners I was drawn to ARS. The steel is so hard and stays sharp a very long time.

Searching for Boesheild Blade & Bit MSDS, I came up with

Many household cleaners will clean pruners. I’ve tried a few things. Soak in Simple Green for a few minutes will remove dirt unless its been dried on the pruners for a long time. A few drops of automotive glass scrub for removing heavy grime and bugs from windshields gets all the grime off quickly.

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