The bane is a boon?

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Cicada linguine :yum:

often pan-toasted in the tropics as a street food delicacy, but not as ‘finely aged’ as our 17-year old vintage. Hands-down the longest lived of cicadas.

Upon emergence, I believe our cicada adults are only a week old?

much like certain annual beans/gourds. You could have a 20 year old seed, but it will only live a year or so as a metabolically active organism once it germinates
cicadas are in a way similar, only difference is that they have hatched 17 years ago and have been metabolically active since.

so 17 years ago, billions of nymphs hatched…

I hope those cicada don’t do to your orchards what they did to mine last year. We are still paying 17 year cicada's woke up hungry

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“Natural pruning”? My 2nd leaf trees don’t need natural pruning. I’ll take care of that myself. I’m right smack dab in the middle of this brood. I’ll start wrapping my trees this week.

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definitely not something to take lightly and was never the intention. While admittedly impressed with the longevity of this insect, i am skeptical about the ohio post about it being ‘welcome’. That author apparently has no experience with fruit growing.
in the mojave desert, we have these 13 yr old ‘spring chickens’ which annoyingly make their marks, sometimes lethal to the branch when done concentrically. It was actually one proof that jujube’s don’t always get productive with girdling–if done in low humidity!

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