The beginning is here! Yum Yum Yuuuuuum!


Fruitnut…No sign of lacking chill now…sucker is on fire! :smiley: I will be summer pruning as soon as the fruits are gone. I am thinking another week or so and the munching begins.

Cont N Candy

May Pride: Have started eating. Brix is running from 15 to 17 so far. To me they are delicious!

Eva’s Pride: Just a couple weeks til I start stabbing people that come and try to pick/eat my glorious Eva’s! Haha

Opinions on this tree (Eva’s pride) for pruning. Center is very open but there is a lot of growth on the scaffolds. Do I thin out the new growth even though center is completely open? Or just cut back the new growth on the ends?

Thanks Everyone!



Wow, that looks great. I’m eating Tasty Rich aprium…very good this yr. Also Honey May nectarine, blueberries, and blackberries.

Very nice… very jealous… Looks awesome…quite the operation you have there.

Very nice!! Your trees look incredible! Here in Nor-Cal things are coming along nicely as well.

How many apricots do you get on a tree that size?

This is the first fruiting year (plated Jan. 2013). I would say it has about 40 fruits on it. It’s about 7’ tall but has been growing like mad this year so looks a lot bigger.

Beautiful cots & peaches. Jealous. Enjoy!

Jennifer, AWESOME job, I am supremely jealous of your Tomcot. Tried to find one without sucess this year. Putting in a Leahcot, though. My Maypride is just about ready, and my neighbor’s Flordaprince was really delicious again. That is just a great peach for us here. Super sweet and very “peachy” and no bitter skin and wincing, which is my pet peeve with some peaches and nectarines. You’ve done an outstanding job. Bet all that nice chicken manure is helping your lovely trees!! Nom, nom, nom!! :peach: :peach: :peach:

Hi Jennifer! Wowwwwww! Your trees look fabulous. It would take me five years in RI to get that crop, with fingers crossed. The trees look healthy and the fruit is beautiful. Good for you!! I have two Tomcot and one is bloom for the first time this year. The other was eaten. My Harglow is far slower. Looks great! Mrs. G