The best Asian Pears

So Dashi Li is a good one to grow in California? I’m looking for one to grow in 9b Sacramento region it’s hot and dry typically in the summers.

A friend has a huge KG tree and said I can take some cutting or better yet an air layer?
I don’t see a lot of talk about that so I’m wondering if Asian Pears are tough to root?
I’d like to get one for the front yard to block the house from the Summer heat here.

I don’t know about how well Dasui Li will do in CA so I cannot comment. I know Korean Giant and have had the tree for 15 years.

I can’t recall any member here air layer KG. People just graft it.

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Thank you. If you were to grab a small tree to possibly graft onto down the road what would rootstock would you recommend? I was looking at TYTY nursery and they have Hosui, KG, Sand Pear and Shinko.

Avoid tyty. Problem after problem with anything they sell.


Avoid TyTy nursery. It is one of, if not the worst, nursery selling fruit trees.

Look at this reference on nurseries and order from one of these places.

If you don’t want very large tree, OHxF 87 would do. But you are in CA, I don’t know which rootstocks do well in your soil. Maybe, @clarkinks does.


Thank you! @Fusion_power @mamuang I will take your advice on TYTY.

I’d like to get the tree for consumption and shade for my southeastern part of the house. I do have hard heavy clay on top of river rock everywhere. I’ll check out the OHxF 87.


Check out Mehrabyan Nursery. They have Olympic (KG), Kosui, 20th Century, Yoinashi, Shinsui, and Atago on Betulaefolia rootstock which is (generally) recommended by Clark for Asian pears.


Your biggest issue is finding a nursery outside CA that will ship to CA. Most don’t.

You may want to see if there is any retailer near you that carries Dave Wilson Nursery trees.

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Ohxf87 will do pretty well there. Ohxf97 will do fine as well but it gets a little larger.


Thanks, They look great but unfortunately don’t ship to Ca.

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Appreciate @mamuang @clarkinks Now I know and the Ohxf97 looks good.

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States who have commercial crops of certain fruits generally don’t allow out of state shipping into the state to protect the commercial crops from pests and diseases.

In Louisiana I can’t buy any citrus from out of state because we still have commercial satsuma farms south of New Orleans along the Mississippi River.

Yes, I got a December order a year ago from them…good trees…price high I thought.
(But I had an impatient customer.)

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If you are in the Sacramento area then I would highly recommend Fowler Nurseries in Newcastle (near Lincoln/Roseville).
They’re late posting their 2024 bareroot offerings, but usually start their bareroot sale in February. They offer potted trees year round.
If you are looking for rootstock there are plenty of online sources, but Sierra Gold Nurseries in Yuba City are great for wholesale rootstock as well as trees. They know what rootstocks work well in our area.
For scions I would recommend that you join the California Rare Fruit Growers and come to the Sacramento scion exchange on February 4th. The scion exchanges are amazing and the price is minimal (membership fee plus $5).
The Sacramento Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers


Great stuff! I really appreciate.

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You’re welcome!

Looks like Harmony Farm and Supply in Petaluma has an excellent bareroot/potted selection this year. Literally almost everything:
Bald Mountain Nursery over in Browns Valley has the best prices around for bareroot Dave Wilson Nursery trees.
Morris Nursery in Riverbank has a good selection of mostly DWN trees etc if you are farther south. They insist on pruning your trees for you :sweat_smile:, though they bag them up nice and fancy with paper and twine. And the pruning job is actually decent - they don’t want folks planting without pruning at all.


Fowler is excellent too. Check out
39th parallel, they also may have stock but if it sells quickly, I put my order in for next fall.

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Thanks Clark, So I found some trees semi local and they have the Hosui on betulaefolia rootstock. They don’t have any Ohxf97. I really would like a tree around 18’ tall max. Also, My planting area is by a sidewalk (5-6’ away), road (5’ away) and driveway(6’away) and from the house about (8’-9’ away). Will this growing area suffice this close to the house and pavement? Are the betulaefolia roots evasive?

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BET rootstocks can be kept at that height but you will have to fight it to keep it that small. Every winter you will want to cut the top out and bend branches to force it to slow down growing straight up. An asian pear runts most trees but not BET it can grow several feet a year (sometimes 8 - 10 feet per year). They are susceptible to fireblight. All that bad i said about them sounds like someone who doesn’t have hundreds of them growing like i do. They are very strong rootstocks. Here is what you are getting into.