The fruits i didnt plant popping up everywhere!

Thanks @tonyOmahaz5 that’s what I had in mind, to distract the birds away from my fruit trees, berries and figs! Any do you know where to get this varieties from? Thanks

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You can buy Mulberry Scions to root or graft or Kokuso mulberry tree at Burntridge nursery. One Green World had the Illinois Everbearing and other varieties. Starkbros does carry some too.


Thanks for the info @tonyOmahaz5

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We have tons of those here as well, the fruit is good but they are awful thorny plants that seem to appear just everywhere. Also their fruit production isn’t good considering the amount of space they take up.


you clear woods here you get a raspberry patch. I’m constantly cutting them back from trying to take over my lawn.


A weed to you is a paradise to someone else. I bet birds love it there!


That (and poison oak) are literally what Roundup Toughbrush was made for. You have to be aggressive with it, but it’ll even clear out raspberries.


Yikes to Roundup!

i grew up picking them. they are tasty. just don’t want them to take over my lawn and give diseases to my other cane fruit.

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That makes sence too.

i hit them with the herbicide i get fromTSC. it knocks em’ back for a few years, then they spout back.

I bought what is probably a Noir de Spain from this nursery,Hidden Springs Nursery about two years ago for $12.Even if this one spread,that’s not such a bad thing in my


I wish my soil was plant friendly. We struggle to grow what we plant and the other only thing that grows are weeds.

We never have trees or good plants appear anywhere.


You can buid mounds or raised beds and plant your fruit trees on them. It’s a good solution for bad soil, wet soil ,etc.


Something that seems pretty amazing to me is the way pecan seedlings appear in my pasture. I’m pretty sure there’s not a mature pecan tree within a mile of my place. The closest trees I know of are about two miles away, but I’ve noticed at least four volunteer seedlings come up in random places (one of which was in a good spot and I grafted to a Grainger shagbark this spring and another I think I can use for rootstock after probably one more year.) I guess birds must be carrying the nuts that far and then dropping them.

I wish we got lots of volunteer mulberry in my neck of the woods. I see small ones in shady places on rare occasions, but I think they get eaten by deer before they get very high. If not for keeping them cut my orchard would be choked out by native persimmon. Lots of wild blackberry and continuous volunteer pecans, muscadines, and some maypop, elderberry, beautyberry, and flowering pear. I get a kick out of trying to topwork or transplant what mother nature offers.


Hi @Bradybb thanks so much for sharing the info. In your opinion which variety is the best? Thanks

I haven’t had enough Morus nigra to make an opinion but so far Silk Hope is probably my favorite of the Alba/Rubra’

Thanks for your opinion, that would help me define what I want to get.

I have a problem with persimmons growing wild. I have to take my tractor and keep mowing them down to keep them from spreading too far. Also I get a lot of Chickasaw plums. Though I keep them mowed down as well and just keep them growing in my fence lines.