The fruits i didnt plant popping up everywhere!

You know fruits get planted all over my property that i did not plant. Most grow by seeds popping up in the strangest places! Anyone else have a self planting orchard? Nanking seedling cherries grow everywhere but never where i expect them to! This nanking is in with the grapes so i find myelf wondering if i ate nanking cherries while picking grapes. I killed the unwanted visitor you see on the leaves.


I have that same problem with *%$#& mulberries.


Mulberries and blackberries are the 2 worst offenders! Who knows we may be pulling up seedlings with 3" berries lol

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Also birdd keep pooping seeds of unknown trees here.

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I look over sometimes and see blackberries , mulberries. and pears etc growing next door. Hopefully they like the fruit. For a fruit addict i may be the best ever neighbor. My family once commented how we change the land to fit our needs when they saw my property. It reminded them of their land in another state. I grow many fruits in what some would call a natural way.


I posted a similar statement on another thread. I see lots of praise for mulberry here. I wish I didn’t have any, they are a real pest here. We get enough rain that the berries are rarely anything but bland.

I get lots of interesting crab apples sprouting up. Red leaf, green leaf, red apple, yellow apple, growing in soggy clay, delicious crabs, sour crabs…a very interesting mix.


Ahh…I grew peonies because my late gramma said her mother had them (1920s) and I reckon my style is similar to my grandma’s. Her mom was English and Irish, as her dad was from Cornwall, and her mom’s family lived in Minnesota. I bet some things I do take back to 1800s.


Peonies are the best flowers in my opinions right up there with lilacs and jasmine there are something about them. These are my heirloom blackberries that frequently escape via birds to grow a new type in the area similar to the old ones but slightly different Blackberries by the gallons. Makes me wonder if we are growing the original berries in my family anymore or not.

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With mulberries, they could have 10" fruit and taste like God’s nectar and I’d still hate them! If you don’t catch them the first year they grow, you have to use a pickaxe to get them out.
@Sparty If they’re good tasting crabs, offer scion wood to the forum, new, tasty fruit is always in demand, except mulberries.


Will do.


For me it is tomatoes. I have them everywhere… most I weed out but sometimes I just pot cages around them.


i wish i had fruit trees popping up around me. only thing that shows up is wild raspberries which are weeds here.


Wild raspberries sounds pretty good to me!

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I been trying to get some mulberries in my property! Do you think I shouldn’t? Thanks for any comments

If you want a scrub tree with bland, sweet, staining, fruit that the birds will spread everywhere, sure!
I can’t keep them outa my gardens or ornamental beds, everywhere a bird can fly, you’ll grow mulberries.

they are everywhere! fruit is small but tasty.

Hey @clarkinks I just planted some blackberries last year and I been excited about them and now I been trying to find some mulberries (Morus Nigra and/or Noir of Spain black mulberries) But because of your comments you make wondering if I shouldn’t get them! Can you tell me more about it! Why you said they are the two worst offenders? Thanks

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They self seed badly in my area and spread. In my area mulberry grow like elm or red cedar.

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So on your opinion do you think I should or shouldn’t get the mulberries? I own 3.5 acres and I was planing to plant them all the way in the back of the property, next to the woods! I mowed all my yard so if they ware going to spread out I could just keep mowing them. The only place where they would probably reproduce them selves would be on the side of my property where I have a buffer because of the wind but really don’t care if the reproduce them selves there since I need more protection against wind. Thanks in advance

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I would grow a couple of them to distract the birds from my fruit trees and eat the sweet taste berries at the same time all summer with no maintenance tree. Go with Illinois Everbearing, Kokuso, and Girardi dwarf. Enjoy the purple fingers licking good :grapes: