Rabbit killing, deer chasing machine with the right type of camouflage!
Love it! Squirrels don’t stand a chance against my 2 labs. Bird better not fly to low either. One even is digging up and catching moles!
It’s not been an easy year to be a rabbit here! Let’s face it no one grows fruit by accident. Imagine if these tree guards were not on! The rabbits foot prints showed they checked every young tree in the orchard closest to the house. The photos are from this post Living with the cottontail and growing fruit - #60 by smsmith
He looks like a big sweetheart but this is his angry face.
@mksmith a vole killer is worth their weight in gold and it sounds your dogs would likely do it! I know not everyone is familiar with catahoula but they have a lot of nerve. This one takes big chances and I’ve been impressed by him. Check out the breed here Rancho Santiago Catahoula Leopard Dogs | Rancho Santiago and look at this photo from their site!
i hope my aussie/ border collie pup fills this niche. she’s a pistol with energy to spare! raising her with cats may have spoiled her tho.
I have seen a catahoula latched onto a 2000lbs bull with no intention of turning loose, they are a type of dog that doesn’t really weigh consequences, lol.
I’ve found that cats can improve a dog’s attention to their surroundings.
Does she herd the cats?
I have a catahoula who looks like your dog!
I don’t let her out with wildlife on her own (there’s a busy road crossing my land) but she’s certainly very intent on smelling/tracking everything that’s been around. And she gets these cool hackles that stand up at first when she’s the least bit startled or angry. Pretty scary looking!
But she’s actually goofy and sweet Better not try to meet her without somebody she knows there, but other than that!
Oh, wait, yours has the wonderful spots! Mine is one of the all-black ones People always think she’s a lab, naturally.
Yes, those two breeds are very similar, and my Aussie even keeps birds away. I did not have one fruit stolen by squirrels last season. Although he is not really an aggressive dog. I don’t want an aggressive dog. He won’t kill the squirrels if he catches them. And you know I like that. The squirrels have no idea and are scared poopless!
Here is my Aussie, Jesse with his sidekick Enzo, who loves Jesse and wants to be just like him. Enzo is my daughter’s dog.
My daughter lives close by and I often grab her dog while she works. I’m retired. and feel sorry for the pugs, so bring him over a couple times a week along with his brother from another mother Axle.
Love this dog very much and everyone thinks it’s mine but it’s not it belongs to one of my friends who passed away. The dog stays with his wife. No one ever makes it to my house without the dog knowing including me. My friend who passed away came over to learn to graft trees, fish, sometimes he spoke about Vietnam but very seldom. The dog comes here just like it did when he was alive. These dogs are fiercely loyal. There are times you absolutely know the dog is looking for him or thinking about him. This dog wears his heart on his sleeve and you can tell exactly what he’s thinking. The top one is how he normally is but the other pictures are when he is thinking of my friend. He stayed outside when it was very cold because he would not go home and insisted on coming to sleep here. It’s a mystery to me why he does some of things he does. He waited until a large pack of coyotes were in the area because this is part of their most precious territory and he ran for my house in front of them and made it. Never saw a dog do that and by the look on his face I guess he was having fun. The coyotes waited nearly an hour all around my house for him to come out.
My two late pugs used to keep everything in check around the garden. When they went on the hunt it was like watching lions hunting prey, one would keep their attention while the other would sneak up behind and nip the rear end and when the animal turned his head the one in front would grab it by the neck. It was really a work of art.
she herds the cats, the other dogs., people! funny sometimes . other times annoying but we’ve accepted her as she is. she has a great personality and is very smart. she actually watches tv with us. never seen a dog do that. she loves natgeo animals shows sometimes barking and growling! hilarious!!
thats funny! my father used to do that to my britany then she started running off to his house all the time so i just gave her to him. Bailey isn’t a bad aggressive just very assertive. i don’t think she would kill anything because she doesn’t hurt the cat, just plays rough with her till’ i say something. she’s very mouthy and bites too hard and sometimes i have to scold her. then she tries to lick me to apologize! how can you stay angry at her after that.
what breed is he? his eyes are neat. you can see intelligence there!
Pugs are funny! Nobody told them they are small dogs. They will stand up to any dog. Not usually a good idea. I had one too, I like them a lot, just a problem keeping the face clean.
I won’t let Jesse watch the animal fights and stuff, but he loves the Incredible Doctor Pol. And also the other vet in the Yukon. I record those shows for him to watch.
its almost like she actually understands what she’s watching.
Mine can see so well, if a dog is on the TV a tenth of a second he will look!
If I tell my dog Dr Pol is on, he runs and sits in front of the TV.
He’s so beautiful! I bet he loves seeing you still after his owner died. He clearly loves you a lot, too.
I love those eyes. My girl has brown eyes and looks very much like a lab. But she’s got the unique personality of a catahoula --they are quite the characters! And so smart! She amazes me about every week with how quickly she catches on to things (except vision things. She gets startled/alert by so many things at a distance. I think she may be a bit nearsighted).