This fruit has been the most disappointing one, growing many varieties but none are stellar except Smith, Chicago. Have several in the ground.
Most are left for the birds, animals. Eat a VDS for a week now, like LSU Gold, just sweet and watery and a few others. Used to grow nothing but apples and peaches, from all the apples I grew, Melrose is my all time favorite. For me that was the perfect one. Peaches the same way, used to buy trees from Bountyful Ridge, they had the best variety,s of all. Can,t grow fruit tree,s that need a lot of spraying.
1/3 of my figs crops got Splitted from the rain. They turned sour in a day.
Sorry both of you had some bad luck. I’ve had to many bad ideals for plants to name them all! The May pop was a novelty flop at my house, akebia, honeyberry etc. but I will try to grow them again in a different spot or using a different method. Kiwi were my worst idea because they need huge amounts of water.
Clark, I don,t have bad luck, whatever l grow and not taste to my liking it still is o.k., my neighbors and friends like whatever I am growing.
Some come by and others I deliver , the ones that are too old.It all works out good.
When I read someone discribing , this is the best thing I ever eat, I don,t fall for that anymore.
And many more.
I thought figs were supposed to be one of the few fruits that provide good harvests with minimal work in my area. Ive had very little harvest from my celeste and vdb figs here because so many split open in the rain or get sour at the eye then get attacked by bugs. I may try some other varieties. Brown turkey?
I should add that the ones I have harvested have tasted phenomenal.
Barry it may just be me but I don’t find figs overly productive but I find them spray free. You get a lot more fruit off a tomato plant than a fig for the same space.
Yeah even if all the fruits ripened to an edible state we’re not talking about much yield. But I’d be happy if I could eat 10% of the fruits.
I’ve got celeste, lsu gold, brown turkey, italian honey, and chicago hardy in west central Georgia… LSU gold has been a dud-probably just too cold… Italian honey has produced nothing in 2 years, and hasn’t grown that well. I’m going to give it another couple of years. The celeste is a very old bush, probably 30 or 40 years, and is very productive so long as the birds, possums, raccoons… can be kept off it, and the figs are very good. Brown turkey is less productive but has good figs. Chicago Hardy has only been in the ground 3 years and this is the first year with a crop. They are just ripening now and are also good, and they are large. I haven’t protected any of them in the winter.
Enterprise Apple. Always too small, the skin is very thick and isn’t pleasing. And never produced that well. This year it had no apples, by mid August it had lost all of its leaves this year. I think the tree knows I do not like it!
Akebia and che. Both are pretty plants but the fruit is forgettable.
The one that surprised me the most in a good way was Cornus kousa.
So far, I’m really disappointed in every pear tree I’ve planted. Pears up here just grow sslllooowwwlllyyy. Maybe in another decade I’ll be less disappointed (if I’m alive anyway)
With pears you just have to be patient they takes years to really start producing. A neighbor has several and has some many they place an as for people to come pick them free.
I like figs and get a decent harvest. I find them easy to grow. I just harvested the nectaplum and the yellow jackets ruined 10%, the squirrels took or damaged another 10 percent. Many are small and many developed bruises or were not something I would give away. A large number of seconds. So the yield of perfect fruit is not large. Elderberries are the most disappointing as the flavor is just ok. They taste good mixed with other fruit, but I don’t want to grow fruit I have to mix to be palatable. I’m going to keep the ornamental types but the production plants are going to be removed.
I can’t pick one that’s the most disappointing because they havr all been disappointing. I’ve had best luck with pears so far so I’d say they are the least disappointing.
Chester Thornless blackberry, we have it in the greenhouse and it produces wonderfully, but the flavour is lacking. I hate to pull it out but it may have to go.
If you use standard rootstocks, it will take a long time. Can be 10 years plus.
I have an Asian pear on OHxF, either 333 Or 97. I grafted a few Euro pears on it last year. The graft set fruit this year. It is that fast when you graft it on a dwarf or semi dwarf rootstock.
But you are in such a very cold zone, your choice of rootstocks may be more limited.
I totally forgot about my Doyle’s Thornless Blackberry, probably because it is very forgettable. After receiving weak and spindly plants from Doyle it took years for them to fruit. When they finally did they produced mediocre quality berries. Almost any blackberry you can buy will be better than these.
Even Black Satin? Brady
Black Satin is much better than Doyles.