The pros and cons of water core

Here’s an interesting read on why you might want water core in your apples (unless you’re a commodity grower), and what causes it. @mamuang was telling me about this last time I visited.


I never saw it here… why it forms? Thank’s!


Watercore can also be desirable for making cider. The extra sorbitol is unfermentable and is supposed to leave a slight residual sweetness. I used some apples with watercore for the first time in a batch this fall. A very large, greenish yellow Pound/Pumpkin Sweet apple (my best guess) growing at the house next door. About 25% of that batch has this apple in it, so we’ll see how it turns out.

I had a handful of apples from my young Hewe’s Crab tree this year for the first time, and noticed some had watercore as well.


I absolutely love watercored apples. Here is a wonderful Red Delicious that I ate a few years ago:


I see a little from time to time, in my Liberties, I think, but it’s uncommon. I don’t mind it but I don’t search it out.


A friend of mine has some unknown apple that gets water core each year. He claims the ones with water core are much preferred as so much sweeter tasting than those without.

Some years my Red Delicious are prone to water core. I can’t say I noticed those with water core are sweeter but so many tell me water core apples are sweeter. Since I like to store my Red Delicious for eating in December I always hope no water core in the crop.

Just reviving this topic because I saw some apples for sale that are specifically sold as watercore apples. I at least think that’s the meaning of the description. They are described as “sugar heart” apples. I saw these in Philadelphia.


Japanese grown Fuji apples with watercore are very sought after, sometimes you can find them in specialty shops here. Not so much wanted in the US, but can taste amazing.


Asian pears water core as well. I love the water core. Wouldn’t pay extra for it, but love to find it.

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My Hudson’s Golden gem gets watercore sometimes and it’s awesome.

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