These don’t mix well

I had the exact same thing happen last year. I sure hope it doesn’t happen this year :man_facepalming:

I wished no one had to have that happen :confused:

My central NJ forecast is for 24 F. I am hoping the blooms hold off favor a week. We will see how reliable is Reliance. The furthest along of my plants is a Legacy blueberry in a half barrel. The others, full northern Highbushes, are still buttoned up.

If it helps. I think your peaches will pull though. Since we did not really have any false springs this year I suspect your peaches have more energy to survive the freeze. No I have no real expertise on this but I figure you could at least benefit from thinking positive.

My only trees close to bloom right now are cornelian cherries. They seem to do fine no matter what happens.

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That’s exactly what I was thinking.

We had a lot colder temperatures this winter. Not like the 60s in January of last year. I didn’t expect this to repeat, but then again there is a whole month until May so I suspected. For those trees small enough, does a wrap, cloth, plastic, or burlap help?


How are figs and persimmons that are starting to leaf out? Some persimmon one year grafts are waking up. Some figs just getting green buds but no leaves yet. I figure at least the fully leafed out need to come in, but the others? Some figs are in 25 gallon containers and I have a 15 gallon back, so try to avoid too much moving in and out.

That is very unfortunate…hope the forecast is off. Last year I lost blossoms on about 15 of my apple trees in the lowest spot of my property.

My parents in Roanoke used to wrap/tent their figs. I did that as well trying to keep alive the fig that they so kindly gifted me. My thought was always that the wrapping helps with the wind damage more than the cold, but I don’t actually have any data or comparisons to back up that hypothesis. The peach is too big for that now. I could potentially wrap blueberries (I think I may take you advice and wrap the Legacy) and some of the smaller trees. I have some small apple trees. Fortunately I think they are some time from bud break.

Forecast low is now up from 25 to 28. Fingers crossed the cold isn’t quite as intense once it arrives.

Thanks. Mine hasnt moved but thats a good trend. Fingers crossed!

I see that plastic can cause harm if directly on the trees. What about adding moisture to the soil? I read that it could be helpful.

NC5 Nashville is showing 29 for 4/1… and a couple other nights in the low 30’s.

I am 65 or so miles south of N. Hopefully it will be warmer here. I don’t trust anything close to freezing after last year.


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The Horticultural Spartans seem to be relatively bullish on my chances for not loosing flower from my Legacy blueberry.

They have bud burst being able to handle ~ 20 F. My forecast is for 25 F.

My crazy freeze last year and information shared on this post had me questioning my back porch digital thermometer for sure. Last evening I dug out my old Merc Thermometer from the garage and put it out on the back porch, just under the digital thermometer sensor.

This morning… just before sun up the digital was showing 40 degrees, the Merc 37.

I checked them both several times today and a couple times they actually agreed… but at other times they were off 2-3 degrees with the digital normally showing 2-3 degrees warmer than the Merc.

If my Digital was off 3 degrees last year, when showing 32 degrees… the actual temp would have been possibly 27 when I lost ALL peaches and apples and a few other things too. But again that is on my back porch which is somewhat sheltered from wind (recessed with walls on each end) 9ft deep x 32’ wide.

Something else that I am pretty sure was a factor… about 1/2 mile east of the ridge I live on which is (960 ft elevation)… there is a deep hollow, creek bottom, elevation drop of near 300 ft. Often including this morning off in that deep hollow there is a cloud (like you see in the Smoky Mountains)… cooler air, moist, cloudy fog ? and when the wind picks up and blows in from that direction early like it did that morning… that collection of colder air will come up the hollows leading to my ridge and cross thru my orchard. Bad deal when that happens.

My 3/4 to 1" peaches and apples… looked OK for a day or two, then started noticing indentions, sunken spots, which they eventually just shriveled up, browned and fell off.

This evening NC5 nashville is calling Wed, Thurs, Friday lows 34, 28, 34.


Hoping for the best… like all of you.


Yeah, it sounds like it could’ve been as cold as 24-25 down where your trees are.

Hey @BG1977

Nashville was calling for 31 degrees last night… and 27 tomorrow night… then 33.

Well this morn just before sunup my digital therm is showing 40… and my merc 38.

So they missed it big time in my favor.

Hoping for the same tomorrow night.

Hope you are getting warmer than your forecast too.



Nashville is calling for that but in Monterey (where I live) is giving 24° tonight :man_facepalming: I so hope that it doesn’t get that. Some of my peaches and pears are blooming :pensive:

My peaches are at the end of bloom… starting to leaf now… apples early bloom 30 percent or so. Cherries end of bloom… blueberries tiffblue loaded with blooms.

Nashville ch 5 4 and 2 are still showing 28 26 26 for tomorrow night.

Today they were off 6-7 degrees for me… hope the same happens tonight.

We are in the 50s now… uncovered my fig.



Glenglo and PF25 peach in full bloom. Ernie’s Choice still a few days behind, I think those will fare better.


Our forecast (central MD outside Baltimore) is still 27 tonight and 27 tomorrow night.