I am an hour north of Dallas and grafted a male persimmon to Yates on March 29. After I did it, realized that I was probably way too early. I watched it and hoped that it would wake up as most of my grafts typically respond in 17-20 days. After several weeks I thought it was done and I chalked it up to a lesson learned. On day 33, I was walking by and noticed it was leafing out. Fast forward to today and it appears to be developing fruit. I have grafted a couple of persimmon but have mainly done pear. How common is fruit development on same season grafts because this is my first? Thanks Rick.
I had one lasts year that I grafted at the end of April that produced 3 fruits. I pinched them off as they would have been too heavy. It hasnt produced any this year.
I’ve seen it happen with Lehman’s Delight (virginiana) and Tam Kam (kaki) and maybe one or two others, but I always pinched them off. The Tam Kam seemed pretty random, but I grafted 2 separate trees to Lehman’s Delight last year, and both tried to fruit, and they’re both loaded in flowers this year, and I’ve read that Lehman’s Delight is especially precocious, so I believe it. Grafting onto an established volunteer rootstock about the size of the one in your photo, which is what I mostly do, most of my persimmons fruit the second year after grafting, but a significant number will fruit the first year after. Virginianas, on average, seem like they might be just a little slower to begin fruiting than kakis, but in my experience the second year after grafting is most common for both.