Thought this jujube was dead!

A jujube I planted several years ago died back to the ground at least twice since I planted it and this year I find it sending out underground suckers several feet away and making jujube! It’s a sour rootstock jujube so not what most of you want to eat but it is a step in the right direction. Think I found a plant that likes scorching heat and drought!


They are pretty resilient. I had one I planted this spring that sat there- no leaves, or even swollen buds. I was sure it was dead, but it just started leafing out around August 1st.

Do you have any other jujubes, or is that your only one? Maybe graft over it next year to get something palatable?

some of the wild-type rootstock bear excellent quality jujus, but often too tiny so quite a bummer.

possible though that some of those grew from seed, and not as suckers, so there’s a chance some will be of different quality fruit from the rootstock.

i have been stumped(for lack of a better word) a couple of times thinking the ‘sucker’ i pulled out near a juju stump was a clone, to find out later the fruits are not the same banana :grin: