Thrip damage on nectarine?

Does this look like thrips? It’s a Double Delight and I didn’t know if it could be thrips or environmental issues or if this russet ing is normal for this variety? Thanks as always.

Yes I’d say that’s what mine looks like and many other pictures I’ve seen. Of course I haven’t seen the insect in the act of damaging the plant. That occurs before, at, or soon after bloom.

Do I need to treat for them or is this mostly cosmetic damage? Thank you sir.

It’s cosmetic until or unless it causes cracking near fruit maturity. Cracking would likely increase rot in humid conditions. So far I haven’t had enough damage to have lost any fruit.

I’ve had the same thing on my DD. I just removed the fruit.

Thank ya’ll for the replies. I think I will ride this out and see what happens. Most of the fruit on DD and on Spice Zee are marked up at least a little. I think all my other varieties were clean though. Maybe because they bloom earlier? Won’t bother me a bit if doesn’t cause problems if they start to split I will develop a stradegy.

My Spice Zee was badly scarred by thrips last year. But the fruit inside was alright, no rot. I do live in a dry summer climate.

Good to hear. Good thing is it stays dry in my greenhouse too. Hopefully it will be fine. I know alot of people think Spice Zee is an ugly fruit but I kind of like the look. It reminds me of speckled Easter Eggs!

I get that here in Phoenix, I just eat 'em.

if your nectarine suffered an attack of thrips in full bloom another year fumigate your tree with insecticide few days before sprouting

I think my nectarines got thrip damage. Am I corrrect?. It’s frustrating because often it’s recommended to spray during bloom.

Yes that’s thrips.

One thing I’m trying new this year is releasing beneficials that will kill thrips. Depending on the bloom, they may not be active in early spring, so I’m going to release them now and hopefully drop my thrips population to nondetectable. We’ll see!

Where are you located? Some times things may work well in one locale but not in another.

Hi mamuang,

A quick Google search will show you that orius is found all over the northwest hemisphere. Regardless, another Google search will show you all the beneficial bugs that kill thrips. Research to your heart’s content.

Biological control agents include predatory mites such as:

Neoseiulus (= Amblyseius) cucumeris
Amblyseius swirskii
Iphesius (= Amblyseius) degenerans
Stratiolaelaps scimitus (= Hypoaspis miles)
Gaeolaelaps gillespiei
Gaeolaelaps aculeifer (= Hypoaspis aculeifer)
minute pirate bugs (Orius insidiosus)
nematodes (Steinernema feltiae)
the fungal insect pathogen Beauveria bassiana

Interesting. Thanks.