Tips of hosui asian pear tree browning/withering and curling

Hi there —

Last year I planted two Hosui pears in my partner’s backyard. They were about 5" tall when I bought them and are already 9-10" tall, and each has about a few small fruit that held after some blossom and bud drop.

However, both of them — one much more than the other — have some curling leaves and withering tips going on, almost as if it’s drying out but just on the tips of the new growth. I’ve been watering it at least a few times a week (if we have no rain) and have given it two helpings of fertilizer.

I searched around and couldn’t find anything quite like what this looks like. Curious if anyone has any thoughts.

i planted one as well 2 years ago. this spring i noticed a sunken canker in the bark so i cut it down to about 16in. just below the canker. starting to grow out again.

Check the back of the leaves to see if they’re aphids.

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How old has that been there? It looks like new growth that hasn’t fully developed yet to me.