My Toka Plums are finally ready. Man they are good this year. Other than a little Japanese beetle damage it looks great this year.
They look great! Did you have to spray or bag any of the fruit to prevent insect damage? I just put a Toka tree in this year (among other hybrid plums) and am excited to eventually try them out!
They are awesome. They have a super potent sweet smell on the counter.
Sprayed once with Carbaryl about 3 weeks ago when the first wave of Japanese Beetles were bad.
Whats a good pollinator for toka?
Apparently Toka works. LOL That is the only 2 plums we had blooming at the same time this year. Actually online sources do say Toka and Alderman are capable of cross-pollination.
I have a large 20ft tall toka tree that blooms like crazy but has not produced a single fruit. I also have a couple grafts of toka on some peach trees and have only harvested a couple fruit from them. Ill have to add Alderman next season bc my other plums dont seem to be compatible.
Prunus Americana is one of the best pollinators for most of the hybrid plum trees. Try to source some American plum scion wood and graft a branch or two onto any of the hybrid plum trees to help with pollination.