Tomato disease identification

Location: GA
Variety: Brandywine

The disease appears on the foliage and the stems. It showed up from early September into mid October. It killed a few of the tomato plants. Some plants hung on long enough, where once the weather cooled down, the disease slowed down, and the plants pumped out loads of tomatoes.

I’m hoping to avoid this next year because September should still be giving me tomatoes.

Maybe a few things going on but tomato blight also for sure.

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I’m leaning towards Septoria leaf blight, though with the size of those spots, it could be early blight as well. Early blight should have rings in the dead parts. The leaves might have that, it’s a little hard to see.

See here for more information: Tomato Diseases & Disorders | Home & Garden Information Center
See also here: Septoria Leaf Spot of Tomato | NC State Extension Publications
They have a comparison between early blight and septoria.

The tomato variety “Brandywise” is supposed to have early blight, late blight and septoria resistance. Might be something to look into. I’ve never tried it, planning to next year.

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