Does anyone have input as to whether this is auxin herbicide damage (2,4-D or dicamba etc) on my tomatoes and I can wait it out?
Or is it tomato mosaic virus?
One of the plants showing symptoms is Sweet Million cherry tomato, which is supposedly tomato and tobacco mosaic virus resistant according to Cornell. I think I have a Big Beef in there also showing symptoms and it is similarly listed as virus resistant… probably herbicide drift off a neighbors yard? Though odd, as 3 of 4 plants are affected.
Looks like a auxin type herbicide damage
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Quote from article…
(“ atmospheric loading to describe the problems their region experienced with dicamba movement. Atmospheric loading refers to so much dicamba moving into the atmosphere that it is difficult, if not impossible, to identify the specific application that resulted in injury to a field. This is what appears to have occurred across much of Iowa in 2020.”)
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Not too late to start over, why take the risk if it may be poisoned?
Life is too short, why eat contaminated fruit?
If you are lucky it was atmosphere related damage. Plant new plants and they should be ok. If it is in your soil, no tomatoes this year.
Yeah, I’m always worried about the dicamba situation. Though it seems like given how spotty this exposure is - 3 of 4 of my tomatoes in Earth Boxes got hit and none in my garden bed 40 ft away - that it was more likely local drift and not atmospheric loading.
Good point. I should be able to still find tomatoes.
I can say that I’m blessed to be living in an area that’s not exposed to local farming and associated herbicides. I grew up on a farm in West Tn. So I am well aware of the chemicals my brothers use today. Fortunately my fruit trees and garden are well protected.
I am thankful for that!
I agree with the herbicide exposure. One thing though, it can be present in manure. When an ruminant eats hay that has been sprayed with these kinds of herbicides, they don’t break down, and can be present in the manure. Usually this isn’t a problem with the commercial bagged manure, but if you put manure in your garden that you gathered yourself or got from a friend, that might be the source.
Though the plants have healthy bottom leaves, so this is probably unlikely. Looks like it got a whiff of it instead.
I did have some concerns about the top layer of bagged potting mix I added this year, but I don’t think it is the cause. If the potting mix was the cause the symptoms would continue to worsen, but it looks like the tomatoes are getting better.
My favorite locally-owned garden center had a good selection of tomatoes and peppers left today, so I bought new and will replant.
Bagged mix is usually safe.
As a follow up to this thread - I replanted my potted tomatoes last weekend and have not observed any new symptoms. I think that seals the issue as herbicide drift. UGH.
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