Grafting more varieties is certainly more work, but you benefit from cross-pollination if needed, staggered harvest windows, and interesting aesthetics in fruit shape, color, size, etc.
As far as cutting back, etc. Your tree scaffolds start very high on your tree. I’d imagine you want a more reachable espalier form, though I don’t know where you are placing the tree and if it’s against an architectural element of you’re house or yard.
So I was curious about budding points on tree trunks for similar reasons that you ask about it.
Being a lay person when it comes to botany, I kept asking until I found the answer.
The visible buds you see on a tree are called adventitious buds. That is where you should see all new growth on healthy trees.
The other kind are called preventitious buds. These are bud cells hidden under the bark of the trunk, or branches too I guess. When the tree is stressed it is often these unseen locations that will push new buds…sometimes below the graft, unfortunately.
If you head a tree and there are no visible buds below your cut point, your tree should eventually create new buds at various locations.
Sadly (as far as espalier goes) there is no way to know where they will push new buds. It can also take a month or two for that to happen, as happened with some apple trees I relocated. The trees were going into their third leaf spring and it took them almost 2 months to bud out.
Since your tree is so tall scaffold wise, I would consider topping it at a few inches below the height you want your first cordon to be, assuming that is the form you want. The tree should bud out near your cut, then you need to train / prune from there.
If you don’t have any viable adventitious buds below your cut, you will have to grow out a branch where it pushes next year and work from there. Ideally you get at least three new buds, two of which can be your first cordon with the third going vertical to reach your next cordon level.
As as reference, first photo are 5 apple varieties I was attempting an espalier with. You can see I headed them and tried grafting scion back onto themselves since I didn’t see any buds on the trunks. Grafts didn’t take, so I gave up (prematurely) and moved the trees to my neighbor’s yard to grow as normal trees.
It was then I learned about preventitious buds.
The next photo shows what those preventitious buds pushing from beneath the bark look like. They look like pimples then little knobs like the photo.
The third photo is today on one of the trees. This year’s growth after budding out. It will need to be pruned in spring for a better shape.