Top working Callery Pears weather permitting


Looks Amazing! What a huge difference! Can’t wait to see it loaded with pears! Always makes me feel like grafting 100 more!


I know someone with cedars and lots of pears and apples, no problems with the pears, all diseases can be avoided with proper nutrition and microbiome, find your mineral deficiency, and correct it or add trace mineral mix, and add some manure and charcoal if possible.


These aren’t topworked, or the latest photos, bit I’ve got some with 8 inches of growth now and they’re doing great!
They’re Asian pears of 4 varieties.

Random Callery mostly suckers some seedlings from parks roadsides abandoned lots etc.


My dad sent me another update picture today… He has pears!!! Based on earlier update pictures from my dad, I believe they are harrow delight?

This has become an exciting project for my whole family. My dad sends pictures out to my siblings and everyone to update them with progress. He’s gonna be so heartbroken when I ask him to remove all the pears except maybe one or two :cry: But I’d be scared that they’ll snap the graft off if they all grow full sized.

Follow-up question: If you zoom in you can see tiny little orange dots on some of the leaves. Is that rust? Is it something I have to be seriously concerned about at this stage? Is there anything I could or should do, that wouldn’t harm the estuary/tidal water sytem or the protected wetlands that are across from my parents house?



Everything looks fine. Trellis rust is the new normal. It wont hurt the fruit but can look ugly. Harrow delight are very resistant to rust. Thankfully it is not quince rust which attacks the fruit. Other pears would be completely covered by now in rust but harrow sweet, harrow delight etc. are resistant to more than rust or fireblight. Getting rid of the original callery was the best thing you could do for wetlands. Everyone wins when you graft over a callery. The harrow delight fruits should be ripe in August. Great job!