Trader mulberry

Thank you for braving the weather! The second photo is very good. @Stan - what’s your opinion about the species of this mulberry cultivar?

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Here are two I received from Logee’s. They do not appear grafted.

Throwing it out there, Trader is one of two trees available from Hartmanns in our group order.

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Good to know. Perfect Circle Farm is now out of stock until next year.

I’ve heard from others growing it that it is a pretty typical morus alba tatarica. Small sweet somewhat bland fruit on a cold hardy tree


Taxon: Morus alba L. f. tatarica Ser.
= Morus alba ‘Tatarica’

The plant on the photos by @smsmith is a typical Morus alba, in my opinion. I don’t see any trace of M. nigra in it. Any claims of it being a M. nigra or M. nigra x M. alba are baseless. (BTW, I don’t think a hybrid of M. nigra x M. alba is even possible due to the difference in the number of chromosomes).


These arrived from Hartmann’s today. They are as advertised, 2" plugs with 4" - 6" stock above the soil line. Two of them have fine roots coming out the bottom central hole.


@Richard Please keep us updated on these. I hope they turn out to be great.

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I’m expecting one more shipment from a 3rd supplier. Once they hit their growing stride next year I’ll add them to my repository of mulberry specimens. I hope to contract out for basic cytology analysis in the summer and obtain ploidy data.


When Mulberries Last In Door Window Sprouted

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End of dormancy. Now I get to transplant them :piñata:


Immature fruit on long stem. This plant is from Hartmann’s.


How is the fruit compared to Illinois Everbearing? Is it small? Is Trader considered an everbearing as well?

IE doesn’t survive winters here, I’ve never tasted one. From the pics I have seen of IE fruit, they are much larger than Trader fruit. So far, the fruit my Traders have produced are tiny and pretty much useless IMO.

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