I have three pear trees at the back of my small orchard. A Bosc E pear, Comice E pear, and an Orcas E pear. All purchased from raintreenursery.com
I’ve had them in the ground for three years and not done a lot other than water them and prune them. Each of the trees suffers from what I believe to be Fabraea Leaf Spot.
What should I be doing this year to help these trees? Should I be spraying them with Mancozeb on some regular interval? This document says that Mancozeb is effective, but it doesn’t really explain how/when to apply Mancozeb.
What do I need to do in the future?
I’m pretty new to managing an orchard so specific instruction is useful.
Here is a photo of one of my trees, the Comice E tree.