Tree ID, please!

This is a large tree that bears clusters of berries that ripen in autumn. As you can see, the berries hold until dry. They tend to drop in late November and December, providing food for deer.

Are they yellow in summer? if so, see if it could be a chinaberry tree.

My guess would be ….
Phellodendron amurense the Amur cork tree


Opposite or alternate? I tried zooming in but its not immediately obvious to me (which suggests alternate). The prominent warty lenticels are a good clue. What is the structure of the fruit like? Winter buds would be helpful too.

I think you nailed it. Bark looks right, both the outer bark and the bright yellow inner bark. Fruit looks right. Buds appear opposite, separated by roughly 2-3" on the shoot, which seems right. The fruit have a citrus smell, which is right. Vegetation is reportedly not eaten by deer, which would explain why there are so many young ones around. I have pictures that substantiate all these points, but I think the question is answered. Thanks.

Reportedly, this species was introduced to the U.S. in the 1850s and it has proven invasive. MA classifies it as a “noxious weed.” Young ones here grow in thickets, presumably due either to seeds or root suckers sprouting.

Deer definitely eat the fruit. I can reliably find bug bucks under the trees in the afternoon in late November and December. I was thinking I should plant more of them. Now that seems a very bad idea.


Never heard of it. But it seem to have some biomedical uses.

Alright, Ive got a puzzler for you guys. This tree is growing in a cultivated setting in Seattle Center, a large sort of park complex. Its only 6-8’ tall, and had a bunch of hanging fruits that appeared bletted and smelled apple-esque. The buds are swelling, as it’s nearly spring here in Seattle. The seed is quite distinct. It almost resembles a date pit. In the back of my mind I almost think I know what it is, but Im at a loss. Anyone?

I don’t grow them (so not familiar with what the buds or bletted fruit look like), but it resembles jujube somewhat?

That was my first hunch, but jujube seeds appear to be very different than these.

The jujubes I’ve purchased in grocery stores had seeds like that. See, e.g.:

But the fact that they kept their spherical shape rather than shriveling seems very un-jujube-like. And I don’t know if jujubes tend to hold vs drop their fruit over winter.

Davidia involucrata. Didn’t realize the fruits were so pulpy inside.


Doesn’t sound like the right kind of seed though:

The fruit is a very hard nut about 3 cm long surrounded by a green husk about 4 cm long by 3 cm wide, hanging on a 10 cm stalk. The nut contains 3–6 seeds.

From here:

The “nut” that description is referring to is the striated pit looking thing. The buds and tree are all a match.



Looks like a winner, I stand corrected!

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They’re beautiful trees and very underutilized. Wish I had the space for one in my yard.

Not much reference to Davidia fruits out there. The bletted pulp sure smelled like an apple. I would have tasted a bit if I weren’t in a hurry chasing after the rest of my family! I did see this breif post on Daley’s fruit forum, from down under: