Tree ID with multiple colored flowers

Friend of mine asked me what type of tree this is. My first thought was a cherry and probably just ornamental. I’ve never seen one with multi colored flowers like this one. A couple are pure dark pink. I had an azalea colored this way a long time ago

Edit-found out its called Peppermint Flowering Peach, or Peppermint twist.


Kwanzan cherry, maybe?

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I though that but all the kwansan I’ve seen have more uniform colored flowers and and are doubles.

Pretty sure it is a prunus serrulata. Just which one.

Us too.

Found it. Peppermint flowering peach.

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It is really beautiful flowering tree. I googled Peppermint flowering peach trees. The first two nurseries that showed selling this trees are the two awful on-line nurseries, TyTy and Willis Orchard.

Hopefully, people are careful about where to buy this tree from.

It is stunning. DWN has it on their list of flowering peaches.