Tree recommnedation for moist area

I have an area where I used to have my garden but I had to move it since it seems to have a underground spring going across it, and when it rains the water flows through there pretty heavy holding water for a couple days. I know where the path of the spring runs so I can avoid planting directly on top of it. Is there any type of fruit tree I could plant their that likes a lot of water? I am thinking about maybe planting a few pecan trees in the area sine they use a lot of water. I tried some peach trees in raised beds but the soil still stayed too wet for them.

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Good link to another thread. Personally I’d go with persimmon. They truly can take a wet situation. And I’m partial to them. I have one that decided it wanted to grow in the pond. It’s lower 6” of trunk is submerged for days at a time after a rain. The other healthy volunteers are happy in areas that become quite wet, especially in spring. So many amazing cultivars to choose from in your zone.