I have 3 large silver maple trees in my back yard. Probably 60+ years old and very large. I think they need a good trimming (not only because I want to keep them from shading my fruit trees)
We are thinking we will cut them down to about 20 feet. I’m not sure how the trees will react.
We will have a professional come in and take care of these but rather than going with whatever they say I wanted to throw this out hear and get the unbiased opinions and suggestions of the group. Any input is appreciated.
Only structure (dangerous limbs) should be completely pruned out.
Bad idea.
Either level them or do nothing at all or have an assessment of which limbs may be dangerous and those removed.
Taking them down to 20 feet will only result in a bushy “hedge” of regrowth. It’s terrible for most trees (look up “pollarding”). Occasionally it’s done for a certain landscaping effect but on silvers it’s just not a good idea.
Considering too that silvers aren’t very strong and are given to sudden breaks once the limbs get large it’s small wonder that people are being discouraged from planting them any longer. So I’m with Dax- best plan is to remove them entirely.
At this time of year they will also ‘bleed’ excessively. Silvers are very prone to internal rots, break randomly in storms, and have a massive root system which will stunt your other trees. I’m with them, 1" haircuts.
Thank you gentlemen. Definitely gave me something to think about.