From Ison’s. Definitely not tissue culture plugs. For that I would have ordered a tray of 72 from a wholesaler.
This variety has always been bamboo-erect for me.
…My wife used to say something like that about me oh about 20 years ago…
But in all seriousness I obtained this variety last fall. Looking forward to seeing it grow.
I bought about 4 triple crown black berries for 10 dollars each, most likely tip layered in pots, they were slow to get going but come late spring they put on about 10ft of growth, one single leader, it was pretty amazing to see. I will unfortunately have to dig them up next month and transplant them in a different area. Genetics seem good no thorns at all, far better than the boysenberry i bought
Can’t find any pictures of my triple crown blackberries but enjoy this picture of a joan j raspberry cropping for the second time.
I got one off craigslist a few years ago before I bought a house, and tip layered it into a dozen before I put it in the ground.
One of my fully-grown Triple Crown plants was successfully transplanted years ago by GrowingFruit member Murky. It had about a bowling ball-sized rootball. It would not fit in the car and protruded out several feet.