Trying to grow pomegranates in the humid south: problems and questions

i had gotten two parfiankas last year (both about the same size) and planted them in the ground, and one was not growing as fast as the other but looked healthy. i had pruned them both late winter of this year. the smaller, stunted one had lots of dead trunks (did scratch test) but has been growing well since spring, with lots of suckers. the larger one is more than double its size now. neither have flowered/produced fruit but i really expected the larger one to have produced fruit this year, since it has thick trunks and seems to be at least 4 years or older. maybe i did not fertilize enough? are pomegranates heavy feeders? i have other smaller and younger pomegranates that i planted late autumn last year and early winter and spring this year that have flowered, the only thing i did different was that i added neem seed meal and crab meal to the digging holes of the recently planted ones compared to the two parfiankas i planted last summer.

two varieties did flower quite heavily for me and one is the angel red which was planted late last autumn and an azadi planted this spring. i don’t know why the angel red flowers did not get pollinated/fertilized, i have lots of pollinators and other varieties of pomegranates. should i try to hand pollinate/cross pollinate next year? only the azadi is holding fruit but i noticed some are falling off and several of them have black tips on the fruit (anthracnose?) which i am guessing is because it’s very humid here in Florida.

also, all my pomegranate bushes, i have 9 of them, are very unruly looking, some branches get so long and droop and break from strong winds. i would like to prune them all again but i don’t want to cut off potentially fruiting wood for next year (i read that they fruit on two year old wood), so i am guessing i should just prune the broken branches and save the real pruning for next year?


Had a pretty eversweet tree entering it’s third year. Humidity did not bother it any. However it decided to die after an un-named spouse backed the truck over it…lol


this is one of the azadi pomegrantes from my tree, almost all the fruit have these black, necrotic lesions usually on the tips, i’m guessing it’s a fungal issue from too much humidity? i read anthracnose is common for pomegranates in Florida. and the fruit is splitting because of too much heat it seems. this is making me so sad.

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i have 3 azadi pomegranates that made it to the end of season, the other sides have scab but i am hoping the inside is still good, almost ready to pick, it’s losing it’s round shape and the ridges (segments) are more noticeable


i tried my first azadi pomegranate. i plucked one that had visible ridges/segments and figured it was ripe, though i’ve never picked pomegranate before. the outside was ugly and affected by fungus and scab but the inside was fine, it was sweeter/not as tart as a wonderful pomegranate but also seemed drier/less juicy than a wonderful.

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That’s a bit sad. Azadi is supposed to be the most resistant one to the fungal diseases. I think the splitting due to the water exposed it to the fungus.
I tried Suhr Anor and Parfianka and both got the black rot. Suhr Anor was definitely productive but they all got rot eventually.

i don’t think any pomegranate varieties are resistant to fungal diseases here in FL. yes, i later read the splitting was probably from too much heavy rains, which may have been combined with fungal disease. i had one angel red pomegranate that looked good for a few months then it turned brown then fell off the tree. definitely a challenge to grow them here but i will give the other varieties a chance to see how they do next year.