It’s hard to get this one to fruit but it flowered heavily. We will see what happens.
" Tyson Pear Summer. Jenkintown, PA, about 1794. The definitive 1921 text The Pears of New York calls Tyson’s flavor “second only to Seckel,” and says that the “tree is the most nearly perfect of any pear grown in America.” Medium-sized acute-pyriform deep dull-yellow fruit with some russeting and no blush is very juicy, sweet and aromatic. Local lore suggests Jonathan Tyson discovered it in a hedgerow on his farm west of Jenkintown, or maybe on the grounds of the Abington Friends’ school. Widely planted here in Maine for generations. Our scionwood comes from a huge spreading specimen in nearby Freedom. Well over 100 years old, the annually productive tree lived through all the great winters of the 20th century. Tolerant of bugs, disease and weather. Fire-blight resistant. Rare. Z4-6 (source: Fedco Trees, Tyson Pear)"
Other sources say Zones 5-8
Also called Early Sugar Pear, Summer Seckel
“Ripens early! Sometimes called a “Summer Seckel”, the fruit is sugar-sweet with a hint of spice. Pears are yellow, medium in size and juicy — excellent fresh or canned. Productive tree. Originates from Jenkintown, Pennsylvania in 1794. Disease-resistant to fire blight. Harvest in early August. Best pollinators: Starking® Delicious™ or Moonglow.”