If you want to add this collection i cannot recommend them highly enough
University of Saskatchewan Fruit ProgramMenu
Sour Cherries
Zone 2 hardy Sour Cherries
Dwarf Sour Cherry for beginners
The breeding of dwarf sour cherries began in the 1940s by Dr. Les Kerr. The past 50 years of breeding have combined cold hardiness, dwarf stature, and good fruit quality into the final product. The cherry releases by the University of Saskatchewan are a great tasting cherry with high sugar content. They also have very good potential for mechanical harvesting which is necessary for commercial fruit production. Usask varieties are unique in their cold hardiness and short
- In 1999, SK Carmine Jewel was released.
- In 2004 the Dwarf Sour Cherries guide was published
- In 2004 The Romance Series of Cherries was released
Dwarf Sour Cherry Guide
Dwarf Sour Cherries: A Guide for Commercial Production is available through the U of S Bookstore
- Growing and Using Sour Cherries
- New Release!!! d’Artagnan cherry
- Coming soon Sweet Thing
- Coming soon Cutie pie
- Valentine
- Big Red (Wowza)
These files are for determining ripeness. Screen save on your phone and compare. You may have to do the comparison indoors as there may be too much glare outside
- Carmine Jewel Ripeness Card
- Crimson Passion Ripeness Card
- Cupid Ripeness Card
- Juliet Ripeness Card
- Romeo Ripeness Card
- Valentine Ripeness Card
- Variations in New and Existing U of S Sour Cherries. An ADF grant final report.
- Cherry Catch Frame by Bob Bors
- Availability of Sour Cherries in the US by Bob Bors
Canada’s Dwarf Sour Cherries Conducive to Machine Harvest
By Matt Milkovich
- Mechanical Harvesting trials of 2009 by Bob Bors
- Juliet Cherry Notes by Bob Bors
- Carmine Jewel Cherry Notes by Bob Bors
- Dwarf Sour Cherry Guide by Bob Bors
- Hardy Sour Cherries: Choosing Varieties, Systems, and Markets by Bob Bors
- Opportunities for Cherry Production In Saskatchewan by Bob Bors
history of Usask sour cherry Tarts with a touch of romance - Good Fruit Grower
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