Its been a while I have not updated this post because I was posting all the updates in other post, here is the link if you want to take a look.
So for this year is the best fig year for me. Harvested so many figs. Here are some pictures
Its been a while I have not updated this post because I was posting all the updates in other post, here is the link if you want to take a look.
So for this year is the best fig year for me. Harvested so many figs. Here are some pictures
Amazing job Naeem! You probably can make good money (or let your kids make it ) selling figs. In supermarkets/farm markets here, they sell for $6-8/pound, and the quality is probably much less than yours.
Thanks Ahmad! I thought about that but I have very limited free time next year will plan something seriously.
You will probably do best selling to restaurants, so you can sell them all the same day you pick. They will probably want them just tree ripe, which will be much better than the commercial ripe figs from California, but still firm enough that they can slice them without squishing and keep in the cooler for a week. Overripe is great for eating, but they are concerned with presentation and cooking.
Naaem, Where do you get your wonderful metal labels? They look absolutely professional. I have so many plans now that I need labels and I would love something good quality
I am using a standard potting mix
cut with 25% Pumice.
I tried to use Vermiculite last year
it was a disaster.
High moisture retention encourages rot.
Those labels were made using dymo 1011 label maker with stainless steel tape.
That is very tough to answer, because there is no one answer to this question
Are you using clear cups ? I will be very careful since you have heating mat on which will dry moisture even more quicker. You just stick your finger and feel if it is still moist. You can use water sprayer and just do a little spray instead of giving direct water.
If you post some pictures with some time line like when these were started then we all can take a look and suggest.
I used perlite-vermiculite-diotmatious earth and coconut core chips. I started them baged in the dark with bottom heat
Root development was rapid and strong.
I need to use clear cups in the future.
Check your independent dollar+ stores.
I hope I am wrong but half of them are already rotten. You can pull one out which is looked very brown and dried from the top to confirm. For all beginner it is good idea to start in a clear cup and also make sure you pack media very tightly in cups no loose . Good Luck
If always experianced more rot/fungus when packing tightly or having my medium to wett. (like when trying vermiculite)
If had best luck with larger perlite and the flufy larger stranded coco coir.
Whats your experiance? since you advise packing media tightly? have you experianced more rot/fungus? or was it fine?
Rot caused by over watering or over heating not media tightness. You want very firm contact of your cuttings to media in order to produce good roots. You can use any media to root cutting as I showed only two things need to be control moisture and heat. I have great success when media is packed very tightly.
All your figs are pot bound to encourage fruiting. But do you allow roots to penetrate the pot holes then into the dirt, or do you root prune every year. ?
All my figs are growing in large pots outside all year. Some fruit well, others not so good. But I have severe root penetration into the dirt. Should I put pots/tubs onto concrete slabs?
I do not root prune every year but at the end of the season I just cut the roots which are gone into the ground and store my figs inside the shed.
You answered you own question, in order to get more fruit you just restrict roots so it is a good idea to put on the concrete so roots can stay in pots.
Hi Naeem - What is the advantage of up-potting fig starts to these deep tree pots over, say, a standard 1 gal nursery pot? I gather from Harvey’s rooting video that when a cutting is rooted in a tree pot, it allows more to be buried in the soil. However, if I understand your post, these were rooted in coir/perlite/other then up-potted to tree pots. At what depth should the rooted base be planted in these deep pots?