Agway has really nice pine bark, you want the mulch, was in a blue bag last time I bought it, mosty .5" size. I see a bunch of retailers in central Mass on their store locator page. Finer pine bark is usually labeled “soil conditioner”.
My father taught me to burry a stick in the Fall and dig it up the following Spring. I’ve also had luck gently pulling up new shoots from the roots, usually has some roots attached. Maybe not if you need to root many new plants, but to propagate on a smaller scale, it has worked for me.
Never put them in full sun immediately, it’s not just about transplant shock, it’s also that they hate going from low light to bright sun, especially if the roots are weak and/or it’s hot out. Wait until the plant adjusts to the pot, it will start growing well again, then leave them out 15 minutes a day for 3 days in the sun, then 30 minutes a day for 3 days in the sun, then 45 minutes a day for 3 days in the sun, then 60 minutes a day for 3 days in the sun. Then after that you can experiment with 2 hours of sun, if that goes well then you can experiment with all day sun.
@Naeem and @hoosierbanana,
I did buy pine mulch by a cubic yard one year and it looked finely chopped. See ing Naeem’s pick of mulch confirmed it.
Pine bark mulch in bags are much coarser. I have heard of soil conditioner but have not come across one. Nearest Agway is about 1/2 hour away. Thanks guys.
Another update after 21 days 06/22/2019. Cuttings are doing great and putting some growth.
Last year cuttings are loaded with figs and I am expecting lot of figs.
You can show your figs too and lets see which kind of growth and what stage your figs are.
What’s the secret of getting your young fig trees to produce? Mine don’t seem to want to produce
Slow down the growth by letting them get a bit rootbound. Here are some in one gallon fabric bags.
And some in ground and in 20 gal bags.
First plant shown with figs are not from this year cuttings are from last year plants.
There is no secret this is what I have noted (1) Very well draining soil (2) good fertilize (3) head start ( my figs came out from storage three weeks earlier this year March 23rd exactly) (4) Proper size pot bigger size pot will grow too much growth (5) 10 plus hours of Sunlight and following @ fruitnut .
No wonder they produced well last year. I thought the poor things were so root bound so I root pruned them this spring. Ouch!!!
How many years you kept them rootbound?
@Naeem, osmacote plus, full sun, got out a couple weeks earlier this year
. The only thing different is root pruning!!!
Thank you, Fruitnut and Naeem.
I have most plants in 5 gallons and will keep for first two years. Third year root prune and put them in 7 or 10 gallons for next three to four years before next root prune.
Today 07-03-2019 I had first two figs of the season Faliciano* and Troiano Calabrese. These both are breba crop not main. Both were very sweet and good.
Main crop or Breba? My main crop figs are no where near ripe. Which varieties?
I decided to direct planting of fig cuttings this year with parafilm wrapped cuttings and scrapped both sides of the bottom end and dipped in powder rooting hormones and the results were excellent. Less work to up pot them.
I also started to root some green cuttings planted in Miracle Gro moisture control potting mix with powder rooting hormones last week.
Ripe ones are Breba. These are Malta Black, Red Labanese,U Spadafora Dark while main crops are
Bass Favorite, Bordissot Blanca Rimada. These are good month and half or even more away from ripening. My figs are earlier due to the head start I put these outside on March 22nd this year. Which is three weeks earlier this year.
Great Tony! Love the result. Figs are easy to root once you know them.
My purpose for starting earlier inside is getting the fruit on the same year not wait for the next year to produce.
This is only my third year growing figs but this year is different from last two years. Figs are loaded and early. All these pictures were take today.
Did any body note any difference this year about figs setting?
Yes. The hot and humid weather here this year really got them going on the productive mode.
You are spot on. We had so many very hot and humid days earlier this year. Last 30 days were great for figs.